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A man sues a movie theater complex because the popcorn burned off both of his tonsils


An octogenarian man named Barsninio Barkweather, 88, living in Poughkeepsie, New York is suing the Happy Times 16 Theater Complex located inPoughkeepsie.

According to Barkweather’s attorney, Della Frumpwax, he was sitting in Theater #13, eating popcorn and watching the latest Indiana Jones franchise movie, “Indiana Jones and The Sperm Donors of Egypt,” when suddenly he felt a horribly painful feeling in his mouth.

At first he thought it was a bite from a spider or some other kind of insect.

But he quickly spit and he saw no insect. He then came to the realization that the popcorn was so damn hot that it had actually sizzled off both of his tonsils.

He immediately went to the theater’s medical clinic where the attending nurse, inspected his mouth.

She asked him if he still had his two tonsils. He told her he did. She shook her head and informed him that they are no longer attached to his mouth.

He asked her where the hell they were. She raised her eyebrows and replied, “Well I’m not a doctor, and I’m not a forest ranger, but it appears that both of your tonsils have been burned off. ■


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