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A List of 10 Tweets From Marjorie Taylor Greene


WASHINGTON, D.C. – (Spoof News) – Marjorie Taylor Greene is considered by many Republicans to be a very sexy and erotic woman.

The Democrats, on the other hand, regard her as the female Ted “Dracula” Cruz, except that she is not from Guatemala like Teddy is.

Tittle Tattle Tonight has compiled a list of tweets from the dishwater blonde:


1. Matt Gaetz still has the hots for me, as he texts me at least seven or eight times a day.

2. I told Trump the Pussy Grabbing Nazi to stop calling me on my cell phone, because I do not like men who have a penis the size of a Vienna Sausage.

3. Melania hates me, but I do not give a fuck because she has a horrible accent, whereas I speak perfect English.

4. My favorite number is (69) for the obvious reason.

5. Contrary to what Mitch “Moscow Bitch” McConnell has said, I do not have a tattoo with Trump’s face on my left ass cheek.

6. I have been told by lots and lots of men (and a few females) that I have very sexy, pink pencil eraser-like nipples.

7. I can count from 1 to 99 in 3.7 seconds.

8. I stopped shaving my bikini region after I got that dreaded Indonesian Ingrown Hair Infection.

9. My favorite sexual position is the Modified Greek Style Humpity Hump.

10. I once texted using my G-spot.


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