Diet Coke and Mentos are a terrible taste combination, but they make one heck of a reaction. In this video, Youtuber JLaserVideo uses the violent combination to create a functional jetpack that is capable of keeping him off the ground. And they said it couldn’t be done!

The jetpack’s two nozzles are fed via fire hose from a massive 762-pound (when empty) metal tank filled with approximately 1,000kg (2,200lbs) of Diet Coke and 10,000 packs of Mentos. The result? A jetpack that functions entirely by the pressure created from the physical reaction of Coke and Mentos and can lift its wearer off the ground (albeit ever-so-briefly and not without leaving them plenty sticky, standing in a swamp of Coke).

Am I going to build my own Coke and Mentos jetpack? Of course not. I don’t have the motivation for that or the money to buy a literal ton of Coke or thousands of packs of Mentos. I can barely convince my wife to let me get a 2-pack of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups at the grocery store checkout!

[via TheAwesomer]

With over 15 years of writing experience, Jonathan has had a passion for all things tech-related since watching Inspector Gadget as a child. He’s disassembled countless appliances and managed to put a few back together, and one actually still works. When not writing, he can often be found playing video games or accidentally hurting himself tinkering in the garage.

Jonathan Berisford

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