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A burro herder discovers gold in The Pico de Gallo Mountains


Mexico’s El Ole News Agency reports that a burro herder, who was deeply engrossed in digging a hole, stumbled upon something so dazzling in the dirt that it nearly blinded him with shock and amazement.

The sun glinted off the object, casting a golden glow that danced in his eyes. With trembling hands, he brushed away the soil, revealing a sight that defied all logic—a solid, glistening mass of pure, unadulterated 24-karat gold.

The burro herder, Doloroso Plátano, a sprightly 59-year-old with an unwavering eye for treasure, couldn’t believe his luck. He immediately marked the spot with a sign roughly fashioned from a discarded sombrero, determined to share this incredible find with his brother Cristobal and his audacious twin sisters, Viola and Mineola.

News of his discovery went viral, capturing the attention of curious onlookers and authorities alike.

When Mexican authorities inquired about the location of the gold, Plátano simply stated that it could be found somewhere in the Pico de Gallo Mountains, just outside of Monterrey.

Upon hearing that revealing the exact location would reward him with a check for 17,760 pesos (equivalent to $1,000 USD), Señor Plátano, who may look stupid but is actually smarter than the smartest fox, spun tales of hidden caverns and treacherous trails winding through the enchanting peaks of Pico de Gallo.

The authorities eagerly scribbled down notes, eating up his fantastical tale.

Señor Plátano couldn’t help but burst into laughter. His hearty guffaws echoed through the room.

With an air of defiance and a mischievous grin, he confidently declared, “¡Vete al infierno, el tesoro es mío, TODO MÍO!”


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