Self Help
A 3-Step Guide To Identifying Your Financial Goals
You know the common saying: If you can’t dream it, you can’t be it. Allow yourself to think about the best case scenario for your finances. Maybe that involves: Paying off your student loans in X amount of time, buying property, affording a vacation, starting investing, paying off credit card debt—or something as simple as saving Y amount of money.
One way to do this is through financial vision boards. (Check out our guide to financial vision boards here.) These will help you not only ideate and ruminate on what you want, but visualize what your life will look like when you have it.
Once you have the ideal, you can work your way down to more attainable, actionable goals. For example, you may not be able to pay off student loans, book that 2-week trip, and start investing all at once, but you can certainly begin to tackle one of those! After identifying one priority goal to go after, create a timeline and benchmarks to track along the way.
Alexandra Engler
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