Beeble No Trackers

Beeble Email Update

Beeble Email Update

Beeble Cloud Sharing

Beeble Cloud Sharing

User data is the new oil and big companies are happy to sell your info to any bidder—and that includes the content of your emails and storage.

NICOSIA, CYPRUS, October 3, 2023 / — Sikneco Technologies is excited to announce the launch of their web app, Beeble Platform, on the popular software marketplace AppSumo. For a limited time, Beeble is being offered as an exclusive lifetime deal, representing a massive discount from its regular price.

Beeble is a privacy-first email platform that offers encrypted emails and cloud storage without third-party access.

Some of the Key Features of the Platform:

– Send encrypted emails to any provider including Gmail, Outlook, and Apple Mail from one user-friendly platform that works on any device.

– Send self-destructing emails that expire after a specific deadline.

– Send emails without any size limits

– Store up to 1 TB of files in the cloud

– Host and share your files securely in the Beeble cloud.

– Access your files securely from any device

With all those awesome features, Beeble keeps the platform free of ad banners, pop-ups, and visual clutter, making it simple to use.

“We are thrilled to announce that our small, but mighty team…

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