Nightmare dentist Rep. Paul Gosar continues to spew hate-filled, misinformed invective out into the public sphere. On his official government website, Gosar unspooled a conspiracy theory in which former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley knew there would be trouble at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and teamed up against Donald Trump to let it happen. Then he added, “In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung.”

According to Gosar, “General Milley, the homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist Chairman of the military joint chiefs,” is a “traitor” who has been “also secretly coordinating and sharing intelligence with the Chinese military.” It’s a lot of hooey to take in at once. Much of this is predicated on long-debunked claims made by Donald Trump Jr. that Pelosi was the person who rejected the National Guard’s presence at the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6.

Gosar’s statements come shortly after disgraced former President Donald Trump screamed a similar attack by way of his failing Truth Social platform. He claimed that a purported call Milley had with Chinese officials on Jan. 6—in which the general reportedly reassured the Chinese government that the United States wasn’t being thrown into chaos—was ”an act so egregious that, in times gone by, the punishment would have been DEATH.”

These semi-veiled calls for executing a military leader are only the latest in a steady barrage of Republican attacks on our armed forces. Sen. Tommy Tuberville continues to hold a one-man blockade of military promotions and confirmations. And Republicans seem to only offer up laws aimed at bringing their culture war politics into the military space.

RELATED STORY: Jennifer Gosar says what many of us are thinking: Her brother, Paul Gosar, is responsible for Jan. 6

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Retired Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling told CNN that Gosar’s and Trump’s statements concerning Milley were “disgusting,” and it showed how “deeply disturbed” the two men are. At the same time, Gosar being a disgusting and disturbed person is not new information. In fact, his own family has campaigned against him. They have also called him a “traitor” and publicly demanded he be investigated for his part in facilitating the attempted coup on Jan. 6. Gosar, who is also known for being a despicable bigot, has steadily promoted disinformation, cloaked as conjecture, about the events of Jan. 6. And he’s continued to lie about both Pelosi and Milley with versions of this same twisted-up conspiracy theory. He’s done this all while taking credit for helping start the insurrection.

These recent attacks on Milley, conjuring up old and debunked claims, follow a profile of him in The Atlantic. Milley said the kinds of things about Trump that virtually everyone who has worked with the incompetent narcissist said about their time enduring him, one example being when Trump asked why Milley had chosen a wounded veteran in a wheelchair to sing “God Bless America” for Milley’s chairman ceremony since, “No one wants to see that, the wounded.”

The Republican Party’s racist and homophobic attacks on Americans have expanded to the military. And when you add in the Republican-driven government shutdown, which could directly affect active-duty troops’ pay, you are looking at a conservative attack on the federal government the likes of which we have not seen since the civil rights era.

We did it! And it’s all thanks to Molech! We’re devoting this week’s episode of “The Downballot” to giving praise to the dark god himself after New Hampshire Democrat Hal Rafter won a critical special election over Republican Jim Guzofski, the loony toons pastor who once ranted that liberals make “blood sacrifices to their god Molech.” Democrats are now just one seat away from erasing the GOP’s majority in the state House and should feel good about their chances in the Granite State next year. Republicans, meanwhile, can only stew bitterly that they lack the grassroots fundraising energy provided by Daily Kos, which endorsed Rafter and raised the bulk of his campaign funds via small donations.


Denounced by his family, conspiracy-addled Republican meets with anti-Muslim extremists in London

‘I consider him a traitor’: Rep. Paul Gosar’s family calls for his expulsion from Congress

Rep. Paul Gosar delights Groypers and incels with tweet that confuses pretty much everyone else

Walter Einenkel

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