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Kind to the Core: Get Our Free Bundle of Kindness Worksheets


We could all use a little more kindness in our classrooms. Part of bringing in more kindness to your learning environment is not just encouraging students to be more kind but also inviting them to notice when they experience kindness themselves and to consider how they might respond. So if you’re on the hunt for some great kindness worksheets to encourage more of those kinds of behaviors, we have just the bundle for you. We’re sharing our favorite lessons and activities on kindness from our friends at Crayola Education and we put them all in one place just for you.

What’s in the Kindness Worksheets bundle?

  • Tiny Seeds of Kindness Activity: Students think about ways they’ve been shown kindness and how they could respond. They then create mini thank-you cards to carry around and hand out spontaneously.
  • Kind to the Core Coloring Page: This fun apple-themed coloring page would make a great bulletin board display if all your students do it.
  • Friendship Stones Activity: Students paint smooth rocks with kindness phrases and place them around their school or community.
  • Kindness Connection Stories: Using illustrated sticky notes, students create stories about kindness they have observed. A great ELA connection!
  • Kindness Poems: After thinking of a person who could use an extra dose of kindness, students create an illustrated kindness poem to present to them.
  • Showers of Kindness Activity: Students write an acrostic poem that describes the kindness they have received.

How can I use the kindness worksheets?

You can pull any of the worksheets and use them as a one-off activity. However, as a bundle, they work nicely for a unit on kindness. There are also multiple writing activities that would be great as ELA integrations, and the poetry activities could be incorporated into any poetry unit.


Kimmie Fink

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