One of the most incredible things about Stitch is how clearly it has shown that if you create the right environment, most people actually want to treat each other with respect, to be friendly and welcoming, and to make a positive difference.

The best parts of Stitch come from the amazing contributions of our members, many of whom take great delight in the idea of improving the lives of others simply by getting involved.

It’s why the community component of Stitch is so broad, in order to give members a wide range of ways to connect with other people around shared interests and natural interaction, beyond just browsing profiles.

That includes the amazing number of events and activities that members are constantly organizing around the world, all designed to help create social connections for their fellow members.

Or the travel experiences that our members organize as a way to meet & experience new things without having to do so alone.

Or the way our members use the chat rooms & discussion forums to encourage and help their fellow members where they need it, whether that’s sharing their experiences of getting over losing a loved one, or advice on how to manage the often lonely journey to find companionship.

Stitch still has a long way to go, and local Stitch communities are only getting started in some parts of the world. But we’ve already got members in 83 countries and have built thriving local communities in over five thousand towns and neighborhoods, and it’s all because of the remarkable community spirit. 

Our terrific Community Champion Vivien summed up the Stitch community spirit recently in a comment about a New Members evening she has organised for members in Sydney. Some of the new members were joking about being nervous about being “newbies” and standing in a corner without anyone to talk to.

Vivien simply responded with this:

There will be no one on their own or feeling left out. Stitch is a community where we all welcome and care for each other. That’s the difference! Stitch is what we make it, and a good evening amongst new friends is guaranteed. 

I couldn’t put it better myself.

Between the members of the Stitch team and thousands of community champions like Vivien, we’ve created something really special. A place where everyone is welcomed, where most people go out of their way to be kind and compassionate, and help others.

To me, that sounds very much like a community.

It’s a community filled with people who are all looking for some form of companionship, whether that’s friendship, romance, or something in between.

And because it’s built on real interactions between real people, in an environment where positive behaviors are celebrated and everybody is treated like a human being rather than just an online profile, we think we’re giving them the best possible chance to find it.

Andrew Dowling

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