The Whataburger corporate headquarters has just named their latest addition to their food item menu in honor of the Los Angeles Lakers great, Kobe Bryant.
The new burger has been christened The WhataKobe.
The national burger chain spoke with Mrs. Kobe Bryant, who informed them that she and her husband loved eating at the Whataburger, because the food is delicious, the drinks are great, and the ketchup is positively fabulous. And the trucks of cash which Whataburger delivers to the house are so convenient.
Kobe’s beautiful Latina widow, Vanessa, said that after every Lakers home game she and Kobe would take their three daughters to the Whataburger located in Beverly Hills.
She said her favorite food item was the WhataShrimp, Kobe’s was the WhataTamales, and the girls loved the WhataTenders. ■