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Arizona Garden in September
Low Desert Arizona garden in September

What grows in low desert Arizona gardens in September? I’ll show you. All of these pictures come from my garden in Mesa, Arizona.
Low desert includes elevations below 3500 ft in the Southwest, such as the Phoenix and Tucson metro areas.
September! We’ve almost made it through the long hot summer. The good news – lots to plant this month in the garden. The bad news – the days are still hot. Even so, the mornings and evenings are beginning to cool off, reminding us why we love to live in Arizona!

Gardening in Arizona means there is something to plant or harvest year-round. Most vegetables can be grown in Arizona if they are planted at the right time, and for many vegetables, September is the right time. Prepare your Arizona garden in September for fall planting by amending it with compost and organic fertilizer.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. See my disclosure policy for more information.

Pests in the low desert Arizona garden in September
Unfortunately, the slightly cooler temperatures of September are inviting for pests. It is important to make efforts to prevent pests organically, but not all pests can be prevented. Be on the lookout this month for infestations in the garden. Read this article for organic pest control that really works.

Spider mites are a type of arachnid. Relatives of spiders and ticks, they can suck the life out of plants (literally).
Prune out large infestations, and spray off with water. Spray plants off with water regularly to prevent future infestations.

Tecoma plants, yellow bells, and bougainvillea often get infested with small caterpillars at this time of year. If the plant is large, it usually survives the infestation without affecting the tree’s overall health.
If you decide to treat, here are a few choices: spray off with water or use BT. When the weather cools a bit, the caterpillars will have moved on. Prune severely infected branches.

Whiteflies are active in the warm weather of late summer and early fall.
Aphids are most active in cooler weather.

What’s growing in the low desert Arizona garden in September?

Peanuts may be ready for harvest this month.

Several types of winter squash grow well throughout September. Many will be ready to harvest next month.

Which flowers are growing in the low desert Arizona garden in September?
September is a time of change in the annual flower bed. Clear out summer blooming annuals and amend beds well with compost. Once daytime temps are consistently below 100℉ (37.8°C) and nights cool down below 80°F (26.7°C) plant cool-season annuals from seed and transplants. Water newly-planted annuals each day until they show new growth and are established.

Blue Daze is an evergreen member of the morning glory family with blue flowers. This low-maintenance plant thrives in tree wells or containers.

Blackfoot daisy loves hot, dry conditions and does well in rocky areas. This low-mounding perennial gets about 2 feet wide and 1 foot high.

Sunset cosmos reseeds easily and blooms through the fall.

What’s happening with fruit trees in the low desert Arizona garden in September?

Lemons are beginning to ripen in September. Skin color is not always an indicator of ripeness, so taste the fruit to see when it is ready.
Fruit stores best on the tree. The longer the fruit stays on the tree, the sweeter the fruit becomes. Fruit will not ripen once picked. Ripe citrus fruit can be left on the tree for up to 6 months, depending on the variety.

Want to learn more about growing pomegranates? This article will help.

What’s happening with herbs in the low desert Arizona garden in September?

Basil is going strong. Continue to harvest to keep the basil from going to seed. Try one of my favorite ways to use fresh basil in this recipe. This article shares how to grow basil.

The oregano, mint, and other perennial herbs look haggard. Once temperatures dip below 100℉, trim them back by about 1/3 and feed with organic fertilizer and water well.

Arizona low desert garden in September to-do list:

- Prune summer-damaged perennial herbs back by about 1/3.
- Do not prune fruit trees this month.
- Fertilize citrus trees, if you didn’t do it in late August. Water citrus deeply this month, before and after fertilizing. Skip fertilizing grapefruit this time, they require less fertilizer than other types of citrus trees.
- Once daytime temperatures are consistently below 90℉ remove shade cloth (if using).
- Check your watering system, and fix any leaks. I use the watering grids from Garden in Minutes. Use code Angela10 to save $10 off $100
- When daytime temperatures are below 100℉, begin to adjust the time between watering citrus and other fruit trees to around twice a month. Water deeply but not as often as in the summer months.
- Clear out summer-blooming annuals and make room for cool-season flowers and annuals.
- Save seeds from zinnias and other summer flowers and vegetables.
- Find seed potatoes and begin the process of “chitting” them, so they will be ready to plant late this month or October. Learn more about how to grow potatoes in this article.
- Order garlic so you are ready to plant it in October. Store it in the fridge until it’s time to plant.
- Begin fertilizing roses again this month. Keep up with watering every few days until temperatures cool in October. Once temperatures are below 100℉, prune roses lightly to remove dead or diseased canes.
- Plant spring-flowering perennials this month.
- Plan your wildflower & winter flower garden.
- Refresh in-bed vermicomposting bins or start new bins when nighttime temperatures are consistently below 85°F.

What to plant in the low desert of Arizona in September

Before planting:
Vegetables, herbs & fruit to plant in the low desert in September:

(Click the link to read “How to Grow” articles on my website.)
After September 15 (or when nighttime temps begin to drop)
SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed / T= Transplant

- PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists vegetables, fruit & herbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
- HARVEST GUIDE: Photos show what may be ready to harvest that month.
- Planting dates are for the low desert of Arizona (zone 9b).
Vegetable, herb & fruit seeds to start indoors in September

(Click the link for seed sources.)

Arizona Vegetable Planting Guide helps you learn when to plant vegetables in Arizona, and whether to plant seeds or transplants.
With 50 vegetables listed that grow well in the low desert of Arizona you are sure to find one to try.
Flowers to plant in the low desert Arizona garden in September:

(Click the link to read “How to Grow” articles on my website.)
- Baby’s Breath (ST)
- Begonia (T)
- Bells of Ireland (S)
- Dianthus (T)
After September 15 (or when nighttime temps begin to drop)
SEED, TRANSPLANT, OR BOTH? S = Seed / T= Transplant
Flower seeds to start indoors in the low desert in September

(Click the link for seed sources.)
Perpetual Flower Planting Calendar is available in my shop

Flowers to Plant Outside & Seeds to Start Indoors Each Month in the Low Desert of Arizona.
• PLANTING GUIDE: Each month lists annual flowers and bulbs to plant outside & seeds to start indoors.
• BLOOMING GUIDE: Photos show what may be in bloom that month.

Seed Box Labels with planting dates for vegetables and flowers

If this post about Arizona gardening in September was helpful, please share it:

Angela Judd
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