Self Help
13 Positive Journal Prompts for Anxiety to Improve Your Mental Health – Self Care Seeker
Anxious thoughts can start small and then really build up until they become overwhelming. When this happens, journaling can be an effective way to manage these overwhelming thoughts. In this post, you will get 13 positive journal prompts for anxiety that will help you improve mental health.
When you are experiencing a lot of anxiety, therapy is one of the most effective treatments, and I always recommend talking to someone if you are feeling anxious. However, it’s also important to adjust your lifestyle by including other natural ways to reduce anxiety through self care activities – like journaling.
New to journaling? Click here to read How to Start a Journal: A Complete Guide on Self Care Journaling for Beginners.
How journaling reduces anxiety…
Journaling has many positive benefits including reducing stress, processing emotions, etc. Overall, in my personal experience can be a great tool to improve your mental health – and research shows evidence of this, too.
For example, researchers at Penn State University conducted a study where participants were asked to complete online journaling sessions for 15 minutes on 3 days per week for 12 weeks. In each journaling session, participants were given a positive journal prompt, such as “What are you thankful for?”. The study found that participants saw reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety after one month of journaling.
Studies like this show that establishing a regular journaling habit can potentially help you manage anxiety. Keeping a journal can enable you to address mental health by helping you:
- Track mental health symptoms
- Recognize anxiety triggers and how to address them
- Tackle problems and worries head on
- Find an outlet for negative thoughts and feelings
- Make positive self-talk more of a habit
With these things in mind, let’s get into the 13 positive journal prompts for anxiety.
1. What is something that you look forward to everyday?
When you’re feeling anxious it can be easy to let your mind constantly wander to potential problems and concerns about the future. By thinking about something positive that you can look forward to everyday, it will help you balance these negative thoughts and improve your mindset.
2. List out things you are grateful for – try to write down as many as you can.
If anxiety is feeling overwhelming, it can help to take a step back and remember everything you are grateful for. Practicing gratitude will help you improve your mood and overall feelings towards life.
3. Describe 3 good things that happened to you this week.
Sometimes if you are trying to work through negative thoughts, you might forget about the good things that happened to you this week. Even small things like someone holding a door open for you are things that can be a great reminder of positive things that are happening in your life.
4. When was the last time you overcame a difficult situation? What happened and how did you handle it?
I know this one can sound a little like a question you might get in a job interview…but stick with me.
Worries about something in the future can be difficult to get rid of. Whether you are nervous about a presentation at work or a big move, when you think about a previous time you were put in a difficult spot and overcame it, you can assure yourself of how well-equipped you are to address anything that comes up in the future.
5. Write yourself a love letter.
Love isn’t just about romantic relationships or family – it includes self love too! Write yourself a love letter to give yourself a little appreciation.
6. List your anxiety triggers. What are some tools and strategies you can use to ease these triggers?
Anxiety can be triggered by many different things. By tracking your anxiety triggers and outlining strategies to address them, you will be more aware of them and better able to handle them in the future.
7. Write about a time when you had a positive influence in someone’s life.
If you are feeling worried or down about life, remembering a time when you positively impacted someone else can boost your self confidence and mindset.
8. What is something you want to accomplish a year from now? What steps can you take to get there?
Setting a goal can help you have something to look forward to and feel a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, having a goal to work towards can help you feel less trapped in your current situation.
Anxiety about work? Creating a goal to get a new job in a year from now and establishing a plan to do so can be comforting and will help you feel less trapped.
9. Talk about a positive memory from your childhood.
Reminiscing about a good memory from your past will help you refocus your mind on to something more positive.
10. What is the worst case scenario for what you’re worried about right now? Write out a plan to address that situation.
If your mind keeps wandering to “worst-case scenario”, try listing out some ways you can address the situation if for some reason it should happen. It can feel comforting because you have a plan of attack even if the worst possible situation happens.
11. What are 3 times in your life when you were completely happy?
Anxious thoughts can really start to pile up. Refocus to positive times by thinking about 3 times you were completely happy. Think about what contributed to your happiness…how can you incorporate those things into your life now?
12. What is one thing you can change about your daily routine to make an improvement on your mental health?
Take a moment and reflect on your daily routine. Can you make any small changes to help improve your mental health?
For ideas to create a self care daily routine, click here.
13. List some compliments that you have recently received from other people.
When negative self-talk starts to creep in, it can be hard to get out of that mental rut – we are often our own worst critics. It can be helpful to think about compliments that you received from other people to help build your confidence back up. Other people often see positive things about us that we don’t always see ourselves.
Those are the 13 positive journal prompts for anxiety to improve your mental health.
Want to get started and get even more journaling prompts for anxiety?
I have created the best self care journal printable that includes over 60 positive journal prompts that can help you improve mental health.
It also includes a daily affirmations page, a positive thinking page, a sleep tracker, a mood tracker, and plenty of space to write!

Click here to get the best printable self care journal.
Making journaling a regular habit in your life can improve mental health and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Specifically, journaling based on positive journal prompts can help you see a big impact.
Use the journal prompts for anxiety in this post and this self care journal printable to boost mental wellness and address your problems and concerns.
Comment below with your favorite journal prompt to improve mental health.
FOR MORE ways to address anxiety, READ MORE HERE:
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Erin Amborski
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