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Back To School Support Pack For Educators


The first day of school can be a source of great anxiety, with students and parents feeling anticipation and nerves.

The tools and strategies in this Back to School Support Pack build a sense of security and connection, and can be used at home or in the classroom. Please share them with families and colleagues you work with.

The Impact of Emotions on Behavior

A Guide to Children’s Emotions: Here’s a refresher on a child’s emotions and how it impacts their behaviors, with  supportive ways to support them and anchor co-regulation. Please circulate to parents of children in your class if you think it would be helpful.

The fear experience inside a child’s mind: On the outside, a child might look defiant, angry, or aggressive. This graphic highlights their inner experience.

Solutions for Handling Distraction, Upsets and Explosive Behaviors

Introduction To Special Time: An ideal tool to bring connection and co-regulation to your class. Many teachers find behaviors improve by spending just two minutes of Special Time with dis-regulated students a few times a week.

How to Support A Child When They Cry: Helpful things to say to support a child when they get upset.

The Long Goodbye: How to help ease a child’s anxiety at school drop off. Let parents know you support this approach.

It’s Ok To Feel Things poster: Let kids know you welcome their whole selves.

Five Ways To Help A Child Work Through Anger: Responses to help a child offload the fears that drive anger.

Share with parents

1. Guide to Separation Anxiety: This step-by-step guide shows parents what happens in a child’s emotional world when they are scared to go to daycare or school.

2. Back To School Connection Checklists. Parents can maintain a strong sense of security start using these strategies ahead of school to help your child feel confident about school.

3. Games to Heal Separation: These rib ticklers give children an outlet to confront their fears safely, and to offload worries and fears through laughter so kids feel more confident coming to school.

How Hand in Hand Empowers Adults To Nurture Children

Hand in Hand is a non-profit that offers an evidence-based program that supports adults who care for children with a set of nurturing, emotionally responsive tools.

Learn more about us here: Empowering Adults, Nurturing Children.

Please share this presentation with administrators or members of your team.

Empower Yourself With SEL Tools

Learn an evidenced-based program created to decrease educator stress and increase children’s abilities to learn. See more about Hand in Hand Foundations for Educators classes here.

The post Back To School Support Pack For Educators appeared first on Hand in Hand Parenting.


Elle Kwan

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