Ruggedly handsome Wild West TV star Anson Mount spoke with Pico de Gallo of Tittle Tattle Tonight, and talked about the rumor mill rumor that his hot, sexy, songstress girlfriend Taylor Swift is pregnant with his baby.

Mount confessed to de Gallo, that he and his blonde lover practice several means of birth control including beer, wine, and even, at times, simply just pulling out.

Anson also touched on the rumor that he recently purchased a $1.7 million engagement ring from Johnny Cash’s famous jewellery store, “Rings of Fire”.

Tay-Tay suddenly walked into the beach house that the couple shares on Malibu Beach named Casa Mount Swift, and she stressed in no uncertain terms that she does not need a ring to know that she is the only woman that Mount wants to mount… (Don’t give up the day job Taylor!) ■

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