We look back at the post high school years and think – what were we doing?  Partying all night, rolling into work a little hungover and maybe with the club stamp still on our hand.  Most people grow out of it, but not everyone.  The perfect example is Las Vegas…the 24 hour city were you can gamble your cares away. Drink? Use Weed? Are you in one of the wildest cities?

Data from the Online Betting Guide rates the cities with the wildest behavior, and you might be surprised.

The data tracks behavior in 5 categories – drinking alcohol, consuming marijuana, doing cocaine, casinos per residents and the general number of strip clubs. Sounds like a bro thing to judge, but everyone did like the Hangover movie. These industries (less the cocaine) generate about $705.2 billion in revenue each year with alcohol being the largest and strip clubs being the smallest.

Currently you have 23 states with recreational and 40 states with medical marijuana.  All the states have alcohol with the Vegas strip and New Orleans allowing open containers. The states among most strip-club friendly are West Virginia, Florida, Nevada, Louisiana, and Oregon. Only two states have completely outlawed casinos are Utah and Hawaii.

The biggest drinking city is, surprise, Milwaukee.  The city has a long history with alcohol.  The original beer city was home to OG breweries Blatz, Pabst, Schlitz and Miller.

RELATED: Science Says Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life

The biggest city consuming marijuana is Traverse City, Michigan, not quite what we expected, by the cannabis community is evolving quickly with legalization. You can’t judge a cannabis fan by the cover.

Showing we are more alike in our vices, the top 20 cities are split almost evenly between red and blue states, highlighting common ground people. Check out the full results here and see where your favorite city is on the list!

RELATED: People Who Use Weed Also Do More Of Another Fun Thing

With legalization of marijuana changing, you wonder if the rankings will change. But for the moment you know where to live or travel to have a crazy time.

Sarah Johns

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