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25 Motivating Divorce Quotes to Help You Move On


People change and grow and unfortunately sometimes they grow apart. It can be painful for a relationship you thought you last forever to end. It is normal to feel fear, anger, sadness, and a mix of emotions. No matter how never-ending your pain feels right now, have faith there are happier times written in your future. Try not to wallow in sadness and think only of the good times. If you find yourself going down a rabbit hole of dark thoughts, stop and find a way to distract yourself. The key is to just take this change one day at a time.

Read inspirational quotes by greats such as J.K. Rowling and Eleanor Roosevelt, that might help you see why divorce could be a blessing in disguise. Whether you are going through a divorce yourself or simply looking for ways to comfort a friend going through one, we hope you find strength through these quotes.


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