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Dyane from Fort Collins, Colorado: “I have genuine and trusted Stitch friends all over the world.”


Stitch member Dyane from Fort Collins, Colorado, is one of our superstar Community Champions, dedicating hours of her time to connecting and entertaining our worldwide community through her virtual activities. If you haven’t already, be sure to join Dyane’s Stitch Group For the Love of Music! to be notified of all her upcoming activities! Dyane shares her Stitch journey with us below.

Dyane, Colorado, US

When I decided to finally emerge from a self-imposed personal growth retreat during the second year of the pandemic, Stitch seemed like just the right place to start connecting with people! I became an active member and quickly learned that I was part of an interesting and thriving virtual community.

I discovered that is not like other social platforms. The discussions and events are curated and monitored by other members. Online Discussions and Messaging are safe and fun places to share photos and get to know people. At times conversations can even be hilarious.

One of my favorite ongoing discussions last year was about how men’s clothing tendencies can be quite humorous (kilts with crocs, crazy hats, and all sorts of oddities from other parts of the world). One of my favorite regular events is the Stoic Philosophy discussions.

I became an active member and quickly learned that I was part of an interesting and thriving virtual community.

Last year I also connected with some ladies that had similar backgrounds and experiences. We had some lively virtual discussions full of shared memories and encouragement. I also have enjoyed virtual traveling on Stitch through Heygo. These travel events are very professionally presented, easy to access, and quite educational.

One of my favorite things about Stitch is that I can trust the tools that are built-in for reporting spam or inappropriate conversation. The anonymous reporting tools are well-designed and easy to use. I feel well-supported and confident with my interactions, knowing that Stitch is on task advocating for me and looking out for my safety.

It wasn’t long into my first few months of membership before I decided to take the plunge and learn how to host a virtual event which turned out to be easy and fun!

One of my favorite things to do – listen to music – is also a favorite pastime for many Stitch members. Many members and friends gather with me quite often to listen to about an hour of music together.

I feel well-supported and confident with my interactions, knowing that Stitch is on task advocating for me and looking out for my safety.

For my events, I usually choose a band such as Queen or The Rolling Stones, or an artist like James Taylor or Marvin Gaye, or a genre like Country or 70s Rock & Roll.

Recently, I’ve had several co-hosts who have presented some amazing playlists of their favorite tunes. We’ve also had Music Trivia events such as Television and Movie Themes which were quite a favorite!

Now that I’m in my second year as an active member of Stitch, I can truly say that when the time comes for me to start traveling again, I have genuine and trusted Stitch friends all over the world. I can’t wait to meet them someday soon! Thanks, Stitch!

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Anastasia Hadjidemetri

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