The Wyoming state senate has voted 97-3 to ban the hackneyed, worn-out term “Ish,” as in “We will go to dinner at 8 ish.”
Many residents of the Buffalo Herd state, have expressed a desire that the term needs to be retired like the terms “Where’s my Hula Hoop,” “Hey dad, can I have the keys to the Edsel,” and the word “Hoax” when uttered by the fat, 367-pound, human whale, Donald J. Erasmus Trump.
The “Ish” term had it’s hey day, but now it is time to send it to the Outdated Terms Hell.
SIDENOTE – A resident of Buffalo Nipples, Wyoming, named Si Sillabocker, III, 87, said that he loves that term and no one is going to make him stop using it. In fact, old Si, reportedly has nicknamed his wife of 52 years Valencia Jean…”Ishy.”