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Vivek Ramaswamy’s Freestyle Rap On ‘Fox & Friends’ Is … Something


When Ramaswamy was a student at Harvard, he established himself as a libertarian-minded rap artist who went by the stage name Da Vek, Politico recently reported.

Obviously, that was too rich for co-host Steve Doocy to ignore. He quizzed Ramaswamy about it at the end of an interview.

“Some of these opposition research stories are false, but I will confirm that one is true,” Ramaswamy said. “I was a little bit of a libertarian freestyler in college and had some fun with it.”

Ramaswamy then took Doocy’s questioning as an opportunity to explain his rapping style with a verse or two.

“I open up by saying, ’My name is Vivek, It rhymes with cake,” before spitting some more verses:

It ain’t not about me/ It is about thee/ The United States is about liberty/ So “Fox and Friends,” join us on the trail/ We’ll have some fun. I’ll see you at the trail.

Yes, we’re fully aware: Pictures or it didn’t happen. Check out Ramaswamy’s brief rapping in the tweet below.

Based on the reaction, it’s possible Ramaswamy was right not to pursue a music career.


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