Dating & Love
Why good profile photos lead to good dates — mysinglefriend blog
Just as in real life, first impressions count when someone first casts their eye over your profile. If your photo isn’t up to scratch, that potential date is going to move on quicker than a camera flash. It’s all about the visuals in that first moment of attraction and adding a photo that is the onscreen equivalent of you wearing your PJs and knackered old trainers on a night out isn’t going to cut it. Here are the types of photos you should avoid using to maximise your chances of getting plenty of dates.
Poor quality photos
If your photos are fuzzy, pixelated or you’re so far away from the camera that your features can’t be clearly seen, we guarantee that you won’t be doing yourself any favours. Well-focussed, colourful, head and shoulders shots will get you the most attention (we’ve been doing this for ten years, so trust us on this one.)
Smartphones have now evolved to the point where taking a good photo of yourself is easy. A few quick tips to make sure you look good include thinking about lighting, trying different angles, not getting too close to the camera and, crucially, smiling! Here’s a blog we wrote with further advice on taking a great selfie.
No pouting please
Whilst you might think that ultra moody black-and-white shot makes you look all smouldering and moody, the chances are that a potential date thinks you look grumpy and miserable, which is an instant turn off. Smile and the world smiles with you, as the saying goes, so find a picture where you look bright and smiley.
Group shots
Your primary profile photo should be a photo of just you – no friends, no exes and no random bunch of strangers on holiday. The people viewing your profile won’t be dating anyone other than you, so you’re the only one they need to see (also, it’s helpful for them to be clear which one is definitely you!). Save group shots for the rest of your photos.
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Karen Dickinson
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