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Kimberly Guilfoyle’s skimpy designer banana peel bikini swimsut is outselling, Britney’s, Kim’s, J.Lo’s, and Taylor’s


The World of Wacky Swimwear Weekly reports that the brand new Kimberly Guilfoyle Designer Banana Peel Swimsuit is outselling the swimwear of four of the most popular celebrities in America.

The Bananarama Polling Agency reports that retail outlets like Fruitopia, Pineapple Paradise, Berry Boutique, and Citrus Sensations have stated that as soon as the “Guilfoyles” are displayed on their shelves, they are swiftly snatched up by fruit enthusiasts, nutritionists, and even monkeys.

When Kimberly Guilfoyle was asked about the banana-rific sales her swimsuits are generating, she flashed a grin, peeled a banana, and said, in her banana-loving enthusiasm, “I find it quite a-peeling!” ■


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