It’s estimated that one in every five students have dyslexia or another language-based learning difference. For those students, school can be a demoralizing experience as they struggle to learn to read and write alongside their peers.

According to Rebecca Thompson, Director of Academic Services at the ALLIES School, one of the primary accommodations students with dyslexia need is extra time. It sounds simple, but it can be difficult to provide in a classroom where students with dyslexia are learning alongside more typical peers.

Colorado Springs’ School District 49 has a school dedicated exclusively to meeting the needs of these students.

At ALLIES, the Academy for Literacy, Learning and Innovation Excellence, students with dyslexia are surrounded by peers facing similar struggles, learning in an environment that’s designed to meet their needs and provide the necessary accommodations.

Through their curriculum and their culture, the school teaches students to develop a growth mindset, and shows them that they can learn to read and write, even if they can’t do it “yet.”

This video offers a look at how this public school has made the educational experience a positive one for these students with dyslexia.

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