Local trans teen Billy Johnson who was born Mary Lovelace devised steps in a hellish plot to secretly transition into a male.

Her dad Racoon Lovelace spoke of his struggles to adapt to his daughter’s condition, “My therapist advised me to allow her to use my oversized shoes, so she could identify as a guy, by walking in my shoes.”

She told reporters Tuesday that she had hatched a nefarious plot to undergo years of medical treatments and counseling to finally be allowed inside of the men’s bathroom, the sacred holy temple of transgenderism.

Her second mission in life is to travel an arduous journey to penetrate the world-renowned Vatican, the unspoiled holy ground of Christendom.

She said she would first flatter health care professionals, receive hormone therapies, and undergo complex gender-affirming procedures. Following this, she will build her resume for acceptance at the Westminster Abbey School for Choir Boys.

“I shall learn to sing like an angel at the school and like Juda I will be presented to the Pope at the Vatican. Then he shall allow me to live in the Vatican as a devoted servant. I will fetch him food in his favorite feed bowl. I will take away the dirty laundry and have it washed. I will be a personal courier and run secret messages for the Vatican like in gothic times. I will sing songs and rehearse bible stories in their great halls pretending to be Lucifer in repentance. I will wash the feet of visitors and tourist to channel Jesus. He will take me everywhere to sing for the churches like Farinelli once did. My dreams will finally come true, and my life will be complete,” says Mary.

Her mother tried to institutionalize her at the Arkham Asylum at an early age to save her from insanity, but her adoring dad Racoon intervened and stopped it.

He instead threw his wife in the Arkham mental Asylum, so he could free himself to marry a younger woman.

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