US News
Sean Hannity Says Chris Christie Believes He’s On A Mission From God
Sean Hannity snarked that Republican Chris Christie was running for president because of a higher calling. (Listen below.)
“He just thinks … God has anointed him to be the Trump slayer,” the Fox News host said on his radio show Friday.
Hannity criticized the ex-New Jersey governor for going “full-on-woke” after he decried the state bans on gender-affirming care for young people. Hannity suggested Christie was a RINO who relished taking up space on the Republican stage while currying favor with mainstream news outlets.
“Chris Christie is not a Republican,” Hannity said. “Chris Christie is on a mission to be liked by the media mob, and he’s there to do as much damage to all ― every conservative candidate, and he’s taking up space on a stage, has no desire, absolutely no hope of ever being president. And he just thinks that it’s ― God has anointed him to be the Trump slayer. Well, Donald Trump is probably not going to any of these debates.”
Republican hopefuls are scheduled to debate for the first time on Aug. 23, but who exactly will be attending is up in the air. Trump has questioned why he would debate when he has such a large lead, and others may balk at the Republican National Committee demand that GOP candidates pledge to support the eventual nominee.
In the meantime, Christie has been one of the few candidates to blatantly attack Trump ― and he’s paying the price for it.
He was booed while telling a conservative conference on Friday, “I’m running because Trump let us down. He’s unwilling to take responsibility for any of the mistakes that were made, any of the faults that he has, and any of the things that he’s done.”
He’s called Trump, whom he once coached for presidential debates, a “petulant child.” He said Trump’s ego and vanity in the face of legal jeopardy had traumatized the country and that he had inflicted his own wounds in the classified documents case by willfully hoarding the government files after he was ordered to return them.
Christie received praise from one of sports media’s most powerful voices, Stephen A. Smith.
But Christie is still a longshot.