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Plant care for Pot Marigold, Calendula, Annual Flower Information


Plant care for Pot Marigold, Calendula, Annual Flower Information

When Shakespeare mentioned the Marygold he meant Calendula officinalis, which for wealth of bloom, is without a rival. As the plants self-sow, many persons have them in their gardens year after year. Flowers from such chance seedlings are often small and single so that some persons have tired of them, but were they to purchase seed of some of the better varieties they would experience a distinct surprise, for these double, pure gold, lemon and sulfur-colored varieties are most attractive. Especially commendable is a bed of Orange King; Lemon Queen is a soft yellow; Nankeen is a variegated sort with a dark center. The stems are long`, and strong so that a few plants will furnish a vase of flowers every day” The plants start to bloom when small and continue even after the first frosts, but in order that they shall do this the fading flowers and seed heads must be removed promptly. Few flowers pick as easily as the Calendula, the stems breaking off readily when pulled.

GENERAL. Sow the seed in the open soil in early Spring whenever it can be worked. Allow 12 inches to 15 inches between the plants. The seedlings transplant readily.

They are adapted to adverse soils but, like other flowers, copious watering is appreciated. They even tolerate some shade

CALENDULA Pot-marigold

(From calendae, the first day of the month; refers to fact that flowers open every month of the year)

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