Clinical Trials Show That CBD Is Promising For Hypertension


Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is medically defined as having blood pressure levels of 140/90 or more.


When left untreated, hypertension can lead to harmful and even fatal complications which include stroke, heart attack, heart failure, kidney disease, metabolic syndrome, dementia, memory problems, and much more. The primary causes of hypertension are lifestyle factors such as being overweight, consuming too much salt, little to no exercises, too much alcohol or caffeine consumption, smoking, and stress. Age is also a factor: those aged 60 and up have a higher risk of having high blood pressure.


Pharmaceutical medications are usually the first course of treatment for hypertension, along with lifestyle changes. The treatment will usually depend on the stage of hypertension. Thiazide is a diuretic medication usually recommended alongside beta blockers, which reduce heartbeat and help treat hypertension.


However, there are more natural and safer ways to treat hypertension.


New studies have found that cannabidiol (CBD) could actually help reduce high blood pressure.


In a study out of Croatia, researchers analyzed the impact of CBD against a placebo on 70 participants. They were each given either CBD or a placebo each day for five weeks, and those who consumed CBD were given anywhere from 225mg to 450mg per day. Their findings, which were published in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, revealed that oral consumption of CBD was effective in treating ambulatory blood pressure among the individuals who had either mild or moderate stages of hypertension.


“The administration of CBD reduced average 24-hour mean, systolic, and diastolic BP [blood pressure] after 2.5 weeks,” said the researchers. “There were no changes in liver enzymes of serious adverse events,” they added.


“The results of the present randomized, triple-blind, crossover study indicate that chronic administration of CBD [capsules] reduces ambulatory BP… These findings should be confirmed in larger prospective cohorts to apply them into clinical practice,” concluded the authors.


Other Studies Yield Similar Findings


In 2017, a study from Oxford, United Kingdom was also conducted to determine if oral CBD affected blood pressure levels among healthy subjects. Researchers out of the University of Nottingham analyzed the impact of one 600mg dose of CBD and compared it to the results of a placebo among 9 male subjects.


The results, which were published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, found that CBD worked to reduce the resting systolic blood pressure as well as stroke volume. CBD reduced BP especially after exercise and when participants were exposed to stress. There were no adverse effects reported by patients during or after the trials.


“Our data show that a single dose of CBD reduces resting blood pressure and the blood pressure response to stress, particularly cold stress, and especially in the post-test periods. This may reflect the anxiolytic and analgesic effects of CBD, as well as any potential direct cardiovascular effects….” Wrote the researchers. “Further research is also required to establish whether CBD has any role in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders such as hypertension,” they recommended.


Meanwhile, a 2020 study revealed that CBD has the potential to improve the vasodilation in arteries of humans and rat subjects. According to study authors, CBD may do so because of its ability to improve the flow of blood and widen blood vessels.


In 2021, an Israeli study examining elderly patients found that cannabis could also improve hypertension. “Cannabis treatment for three months was associated with a reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as heart rate,” wrote the authors. “Current cannabis use was associated with lower resting heart rate” among subjects who are middle-aged.


Can You Use CBD for Hypertension?


As it stands, there is still a need for more studies to verify the use of CBD for hypertension. However, CBD has been proven to help address the many lifestyle factors that contribute to high blood pressure, such as better sleep, reduced stress and anxiety. When these issues are addressed for many cases of high blood pressure, it can certainly help treat hypertension though the medical community still needs additional clinical trials of CBD for this condition.


If you are interested in using CBD for managing high blood pressure, it is critical to speak to your doctor first. More importantly, start getting a regular checkup if you are experiencing the symptoms of hypertension which include: extreme headaches, dizziness, nausea, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and anxiety. Making sure that you are seeing a doctor regularly is key to preventing any condition, including hypertension, from escalating into a severe case.


Additionally, make sure that you are going to only use CBD that is sourced from reputable manufacturers. Many unregulated CBD products out there may contain psychoactive THC as well as contaminants. It’s always best to purchase CBD with a certificate of analysis from the manufacturer.




Hypertension is one of the most common and deadly conditions. Most people don’t even realize they have hypertension until it’s already severe or too late. Pay attention to your lifestyle, get regular checkups, and make the necessary changes that are needed in order to keep your blood pressure levels healthy.

Taking CBD can help you manage stress, lack of sleep, and anxiety – as well as other potential factors that contribute to increased blood pressure. However, until we know more about CBD’s role in reducing blood pressure, it should not be considered as a one-size-fits-all solution for treating hypertension. Speak to a doctor who is knowledgeable about hypertension and CBD – and avoid self-medicating most especially if you are already taking existing medications for the treatment of other conditions.





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