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How to use Annual Flowers for Special Environment

Not all annuals can just be planted in the soil and hope for the best. Most annuals have a special purpose and function in the garden environment. Think about your garden and understand how you can use the annual flower. Enclosed are several options you can use for your annual flowers.
Hardy annuals for Autumn Sowing in the open
Alyssum, Calendula (pot marigold), Centaurea (cornflower), Clarkia, Delphinium ajacis (larkspur), Eschscholzia (Californian poppy), Godetia, Iberis (candytuft), Lathyrus odoratus (sweet pea), Limnanthes douglasii, Nigella (love-in-a-mist), Papaver nudicaule (Shirley poppy), Saponaria, Scabiosa.
Annuals for Full Sun in Well-drained soil (Hardy and Half-hardy)
Arctotis, Brachycome, Calandrinia, Clarkia, Dimorphotheca, Echium, Esthscholzia, Helipterum, Hibiscus, Linum (flax), Mesembryanthemum, Oenothera, Papaver (poppy), Portulaca, Salpiglossis, Sanvitalia, Sedum (stonecrop), Statice (limonium), Tagetes (African and French marigolds), Tropaeolum (nasturtium), Ursinia, Venidium, Zinnia.
Annual Climbers
Cobaea scandens, Eccremocarpus scaber, Gourds, Humulus (hop), Ipomoea (morning glory), Lathyrus odoratus (sweet pea), Maurandia, Quamoclit, Tropaeolum (nasturtium).
Annuals with Fragrant Flowers
Alyssum, Asperula, Centaurea (sweet sultan), Dianthus (pink), Exacum, Heliotrope (cherry pie), Hesperis (sweet rocket), Lathyrus odoratus (sweet pea), Lupinus luteus (yellow lupin), Matthiola (stocks), Nicotiana
(tobacco plant), Oenothera (evening primrose), Reseda (mignonette), Tropaeolum (nasturtium) (Gleam hybrids).
Low-growing Annuals (from 9-18 in.) Adonis, Anthemis, Centaurea (cornflower, dwarf forms), Collinsia, Convolvulus tricolor, Coreopsis coronata, Coreopsis tinctoria, Dimorphotheca, Eschscholzia, Gilia, Godetia (dwarf forms), Helipterum, Iberis (candytuft), Linaria, Matthiola bicornis (night-scented stock), Matthiola (ten-week stock), Omphalodes, Reseda (mignonette), Scabiosa (dwarf forms), Tagetes patula (dwarf French marigold), Ursinia.
Annuals for Moist Soil
Calendula (pot marigold), Helianthus (sunflower), Limnanthes douglasii, Linaria (toadflax), Linum grandiflorum rubrum (scarlet flax), Nemophila, Nigella (love-in-a-mist), Reseda (mignonette), Saxifrage cymbalaria.
How to grow an annual flower from seed.
Where to plant Annuals and Biennials flowers
Containers – Edging and Paving – Cut Flowers – Annuals Biennials
Annuals and Biennials for the Cool Greenhouse
How to use Annual and Biennial flowers
Growing Annual and Biennial plants

Frederick Leeth
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