What would happen if you misspelled world wonders and fed this information to AI so it would create pictures of them? Reddit user mossymayn decided to try it, and the results are hilarious.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

Misspelled world wonder, created by AI.

The post Misspelled World Wonders, Created by AI first appeared on Crazy Funny Pictures.


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