Can CBD Tame Tobacco Cravings?- New Studies On How CBD May Affect Cigarette Addiction – Medical Marijuana Program Connection
To read the original article about New Studies On How CBD May Affect Cigarette Addiction at Real Tested CBD.
It’s getting more common to see CBD being sold as an alternative to tobacco cigarettes. You may have already seen “CBD hemp cigarettes” in gas stations, convenience stores, or online shops. People who visit hemp dispensaries or e-commerce sites have also probably seen CBD pre-rolls and vape juices.
While these CBD products may look similar to nicotine-containing items, they are full of cannabinoid-rich hemp rather than tobacco. Interestingly, many smokers believe using CBD hemp instead of tobacco will provide them with a “healthy” way to combat their cravings. Recent surveys suggest that 24 percent of Americans who use CBD do so to help get rid of their smoking habit. Even more impressive, over 40 percent of former smokers now use CBD instead of tobacco products.
However, just because people claim CBD helps with nicotine addiction doesn’t mean it’s genuinely effective…right? Is CBD just a “crutch” to get off of cigarettes, or does it positively affect nicotine cravings?
What Do Scientists Say About Swapping Cigarettes For CBD?
There aren’t dozens of studies analyzing CBD’s effect on tobacco addiction. However, one major clinical trial fromUniversity College London suggests CBD oil has a lot of potential for people who want to ditch their smoking addiction.
In this small trial, 24 people who wanted to quit smoking were split into two…
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