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McDonalds is panicking due to the sesame seed shortage


Boom Boom News reporter Tilapia Frisbee has informed the fast food media that the powers that be at Mickey D’s are extremely concerned about the shortage of sesame seeds.

As everyone knows, Big Mac burger buns are topped off with over 70 sesame seeds, giving them their iconic look.

These tiny seeds contain a unique nutrient that, when combined with ketchup, allegedly enhances the consumer’s awareness of their surroundings. This unexpected side effect has proven handy in dealing with troublemakers, be it extremists, bigots, racists, or even women going through menopause.

In the meantime, McDonald’s announced their plan to import over 3 million pounds of sesame seeds from the sesame seed capital of the world, Tampico, Mexico, which has the largest sesame seed fields in the entire world, to address the shortage.


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