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Fox News Personalities Blame Democrats, Joe Biden for Violent Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s Husband


Early Friday morning, Paul Pelosi, the 82-year-old husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was violently assaulted at the couple’s San Francisco home. According to multiple reports, the assailant was looking for the Democratic leader and shouted, “Where is Nancy? Where is Nancy?” He then proceeded to attack the Speaker’s husband with a hammer, according to CNN, and reportedly also tried to tie him up. When the police arrived, the man reportedly said he was “waiting for Nancy.” Like all media outlets, Fox News has been covering the story, and the takeaway from Murdochville? That Democrats and their soft-on-crime policies are to blame.

Speaking to hosts Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino, Fox News contributor Leo Terrell said that the assault should be a “wake-up call” to “Democratic politicians” that “crime is everywhere and it does not discriminate.” He then asked, “Will this change the Democratic position on crime?” and answered his own question by saying, “I don’t think so.” During the same segment, while Hemmer and Perino chatted amongst themselves, Hemmer claimed that the attack showed why “crime…is such a significant part of this election story.”

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Later, former California gubernatorial candidate Michael Shellenberger—author of the book San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities—showed up to also declare that the incident should be a “wake-up call” on crime.

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Elsewhere on the network, Fox Business correspondent Jackie DeAngelis suggested that Joe Biden was to blame for not uniting the country like he said he would…

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