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Do Butterfly Bushes Attract Bees?


Pollinators like going to the Butterfly Bush. It has flowers that look like lilacs, and many pollinators, like butterflies, love to visit the tight clusters of small flowers.

Butterfly bushes are prone to root rot, so they shouldn’t be placed in wet soil or with plants that need a lot of water, like hydrangea. A single Butterfly Bush bush can grow to be anywhere from 6 to 12 feet tall and 5 to 15 feet wide.

Looking for a plant that hungry deer won’t be interested in? This plant is perfect for you! Just check with those in charge of plants in your region, because Butterfly Bush can spread quickly in some places, mostly in the Pacific Northwest. But on the plus side, once it’s grown in, Butterfly Bush can handle drought, so it’s a good choice for xeriscaping.

Butterfly Bush is most famous for bringing in Swallowtail Butterflies, but it will also bring in bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. People have said that the Butterfly Bush stands for rebirth, recovery, and a fresh start. Other plants in the same Buddleja family (there are over 100 of them) have been used in Chinese medicine (it comes from China) to treat everything from eye problems to hernias.

(Note: Never put a plant product internally without first talking to an expert!).

What Is A Butterfly Bush?

The Butterfly Bush, which is also called Buddleja Davidii, is a pretty, fragrant plant that comes from China. Even though it is not linked to butterflies, many species of butterflies and other pollinators, like bees, love to eat the nectar-rich flowers.

It’s easy to take care of and can grow in bad soil. But it grows best in full sun and dirt that drains well. The butterfly bush is a great addition to any yard because of how many flowers it has and how nice its leaves look.

During the summer, lots of butterflies come to the butterfly bush. In fact, it’s not unusual to see dozens of them flying around the plants. The bushes can grow quite big, sometimes reaching heights of 12 feet or more, so it’s best to give them plenty of room to spread out.

Which Types Of Pollinators Do Butterfly Bushes Attract?

Pollinators like bees, monarch butterflies, and swallowtails are drawn to butterfly flowers because of how pretty they are. It also brings in small, beautiful birds like hummingbirds.

These pollinators go to the butterfly bush plants and a few other plants nearby and spread pollen. Deer and mice don’t like to eat butterfly bushes.

Why Should You Plant A Butterfly Bush?

You could choose a butterfly bush because of how pretty they are and how many different colors their flowers come in.

If you do this, your yard will become like a restaurant where insects that carry nectar, like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, will come to eat and pollinate your butterfly bushes and other plants.

Pollinators like bees would do their normal job of pollinating these butterfly bushes because they have a lot of juice that bees like.

Getting help from hummingbirds and butterflies would be a good idea, because all of these insects would work well together.

The Effect Of Bees On Butterfly Bushes

Butterfly bushes and bees go together like butter and jam. Pollinators are very important to a butterfly bush because they move pollen from flower to flower so the plants can make food.

Pollinators are important to a garden’s environment, so it’s important to give them a wide range of flowering plants to eat. Without bees, it’s possible that these beautiful shrubs wouldn’t be able to breed and would die out.

On the other hand, bees love butterfly trees because they give them a steady source of nectar all summer long. Bees and other pollinators can find shade from the hot sun in the bush’s thick growth.

Bees And Color

Because their eyes can only see blue, green, and UV light, red flowers look like green leaves to bees. UV markings on the petals or in the middle of red flowers that draw bees make them stand out.

These markings, which are undetectable to the human eye, guide the insects to the pollen or nectar on the plant. They work like the lights on the landing strips of an airport. Most bees will be attracted to butterfly trees with purple, violet, or blue flowers. Yellow or orange flowers are next best.

Bee-Attracting Cultivars

Butterfly bushes have flowers in colors that look good in any yard. “Blue Chip” (Buddleia “Blue Chip” LO AND BEHOLD) is a small, non-invasive plant with lavender-blue flowers that smell like vanilla. “Honeycomb” (Buddleia x weyeriana “Honeycomb”) is a bush that can grow up to 12 feet tall and has orange-eyed, butter-yellow flowers that turn heads.

Both plants can survive in USDA zones 5 to 9. “Bicolor” (Buddleia “Bicolor”) grows to be 6 to 8 feet tall and has flowers that are both peach-yellow and lavender-raspberry. It does well from USDA zones 6 to 9.

Keep The Flowers Coming

Since butterfly bushes only bloom on new wood, cutting them back to within 1 or 2 feet of the ground every year is the best way to get the most flowers. Where they don’t get cold, you can prune them at any time. Elsewhere, cut them back before they get leaves in the spring.

If you’re worried about frost, wait until warm, dry weather is predicted. If not, water that builds up in the hollow roots could freeze and split them. Between cuts, clean your pruning tools with a mix of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water to keep diseases from spreading.

Once it starts to bloom, pinch off the blooms that are getting old to keep it going. This method also stops unwanted types of burning bush from setting seed.

Bee-Friendly Pest Control

Buddleia budworms, which are the tiny green caterpillars of the Buddleia moth (Pyramidobela angelarum), are often found on butterfly bushes along the coast. They eat in nests that are made of new leaves sewn together. For pest control, pinch off the infected tips and throw them away.

Use an insecticidal soap that is safe for bees and applies it early in the morning or after dark, when bees are at home. Spray the soap on the worms until the branch tips drip with it.

The treatment only kills the worms it touches, so you may need to use it more than once at the times on the label to get rid of the problem. When handling soap, wear safety glasses, a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, gloves, and a hat, and follow the directions provided by the manufacturer.

Butterfly Bush: Tips For Growing Vibrant Blooms

Is there anything happier than a butterfly bush with lots of flowers? People like these fast-growing shrubs because they have groups of bright flowers that butterflies, bees, and other pollinators like to visit. Even though butterfly plants are easy to take care of, there are a few things you can do to get the best results.

1) Plant Your Butterfly Bush In A Sunny Location.

To make a lot of flowers, butterfly bushes need at least six hours of full sun every day. Butterfly bushes do best in sunny places and will have the most flowers if they are placed there.

If you live somewhere where summers are hot, give the plant some shade in the afternoon to keep it from getting too hot. You might also want to plant your butterfly bush in a pot so that you can move it to the sunniest spot in your yard when you need to or to a spot with some shade when it gets too hot.

2) Water Your Butterfly Bush Regularly.

To get the most out of a butterfly bush, you should water it often. Even though the bush can handle drought, it will grow more if it gets watered regularly. Give your plant a lot of water, about one to two inches per week. You can also use a yard hose or sprinkler to water your butterfly bush.

3) Fertilize Your Butterfly Bush Twice A Year.

To grow and bloom well, butterfly bushes need about the same amount of soil as other plants. A balanced, all-purpose fertilizer can be used in the spring and fall of each year. Make sure to follow the directions on the package, and don’t give the plant too much fertilizer because that can hurt it.

Look for a fertilizer that is high in nitrogen when you want to feed your butterfly bush. Phosphorus encourages flowers to grow, so your butterfly bush will have a lot of them.

4) Prune Your Butterfly Bush Regularly.

Butterfly bushes need to be cut back often to keep their shape and make sure they stay healthy. Some types spread more than others and may need to be cut back more often.

After your butterfly bush is done growing in the spring, use clean shears or clippers to cut it back. Cut off any stems that are dead or too big, and shape the plant to your liking.

Do Bees Like Butterfly Bushes?: Final Thoughts

As the sun comes up and the bees leave their homes to find flowers, we can be thankful for the beauty and abundance of the butterfly bush. These beautiful plants give bees, butterflies, and other pollinators a place to live and people a feast of nectar.

Bees are very important for market crops like almonds, apples, and avocados because they help spread pollen. With this in mind, if you want to help the bees in your area, planting flowers that bees like is a great place to start, and the butterfly bush is a great addition to any yard.

The butterfly bush is a must-have for any gardener who wants to help the bees in their area. It is easy to grow and doesn’t bother wildlife.


Bees don’t have to avoid butterfly flowers. Because they have a lot of nectar, these butterfly plants are great for bees. The only problem is that bee and caterpillar eggs can’t eat butterfly bushes, plants, or leaves.

You should put some natural plants or shrubs around your yard to solve this problem. So that caterpillars and bee eggs would have something to eat so they could grow up and turn into bees and butterflies, which would help your beautiful butterfly bush plants reproduce.


Varinder Pal Singh

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