Self Help
What is the throat chakra? How to awaken & connect with your Vishuddha energy
Yoga for Chakras Series 5 – Vishuddha (Throat) Chakra
Location – Situated in the neck, at the base of the throat
Association – Primarily associated with the neck and throat, but also with the mouth and ears
Colour – Blue
Element – Space
Meaning – Expression and communication
Crystal – Aquamarine, Blue Calcite, Chrysocolla, Kyanite, Lapis Luzuli, Sodalite. Throat Chakra Crystal Set (all available on our website)
The fifth of the primary chakras is knowns as Vishuddha. Located in the throat, this chakra is linked to communication and expression of self. It is the connection between the emotions and the mind, where you can speak your truth.
Associated with truth, clarity and responsibility, when our vishuddha energy is well balanced, we are able to openly communicate with honesty and authenticity. To be heard, but also truly open to hearing and listening to others. Communication will flow freely but be balanced and compassionate towards others.
Misalignment of this chakra can lead to feelings of depression or low self-esteem. You may feel unable to speak freely or unable to truly express yourself. Conversely, if this chakra is over stimulated, you may find you’re overtalking, unable to make a clear point in conversation or use rude or inappropriate language. Physically a blocked throat chakra can manifest in the thyroid, show up in ear problems or a sore throat or hoarse voice.
As this chakra is so closely associated with the throat, why not try some pranayama techniques to help you connect with and open this chakra?
Simhasana, or Lions Breath is great for relaxing the muscles in the neck and stimulating the vocal cords.
Ujjayi breathing is both calming and balancing and helps to balance out the throat chakra.
Blue is the colour associated with the throat chakra, so try to visualise this colour when practicing meditation or pranayama. Try incorporating a few of the below yoga poses into your yoga practice and help to awaken your vishuddha chakra. Also, incorporating crystals during your yoga practice is helpful, especially using the ones listed above. We have created a super Throat Chakra Crystal Set (Shown below) for those of you who struggle finding your voice.
Yoga Poses
Marjaryasan – Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

Starting on all fours, your shoulders, elbows, and wrists should be in alignment and your knees underneath your hips. Keep the spine neutral, and the tops of the feet down on the floor.
As you inhale, tip the tailbone up towards the sky and drop the belly down. Lift the chest, opening the hearts space and lift the head. Gaze is upwards, but don’t throw your head up and back. Keep the shoulders away from the ears.
As you exhale, reverse the posture. Tailbone tucks under, draw the belly towards the back and round through the spine, drawing it up towards the sky. Push through the shoulders and allow the chin to move down towards the chest (don’t force this movement).
Use your inhale and exhale to flow between the two postures as many times as feels comfortable to do so.
Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Begin by lying on the floor, facing down. Legs out long, hip distance apart with the tops of the feet down on the mat. Bring your hands by your sides, just underneath your shoulders (tips of the fingers in line with the tops of the shoulders.
Relax the glutes, don’t hold tension here and squeeze the lower back. Reach the crown of the head forwards and draw your tailbone out long behind you, stretching out the spine and allowing space in your back.
As you inhale, push through your hands and arms and begin to lift your head and chest up off the mat. Keep elongating through the spine and make sure your elbows stay close to the sides of the body whilst squeezing the shoulder blades towards each other. Lift and open your chest and bring your gaze forwards. Hold for several seconds before slowly lowering back down to the mat.
Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand)

Start lying down on your back, shoulders away from the ears, arms by your sides with palms down. You can choose to use blankets to support the shoulders and upper back. Bend in the knees then lift one then both legs into the air, lifting the hips and catching the lower back with the hands.
Reach up with the feet and walk the hands further along the back to help with stability to the pose. Lean your hips forwards and feet behind you to help draw yourself into alignment.
It is important to keep the head still and not move the head or neck whilst in this pose, as it can cause injury.
Stay here for around ten breaths and then slowly roll back down out of the pose, taking your feet behind your head to act as a counterweight.
Halasana (Plough Pose)

From Sarvangasana, start to take the feet further behind you, so that they are over past your head. If you can get the toes of both feet firmly on the floor, then you can release your lower back and place the hands on the floor.
Press through the shoulders, arms, hands, and feet. Remember not to move your head or neck, and to breathe. Stay here for 5-10 breaths and then slowly roll out of the pose, with control, as above.
Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Fish is the perfect counter pose to shoulder stand and plough, it will also stretch out the neck, opening the chakra.
Starting on your back, legs out long and arms long by your sides. Inhale and slightly lift your pelvis to slide your hands (palms down) below your buttocks. Then rest your buttocks on the backs of your hands.
Press your forearms and elbows down firmly and, with an inhale, lift your upper torso and head away from the floor. Then release your head back towards the floor. Depending on how high you arch your back and lift your chest, either the back of your head or its crown will rest on the floor. Don’t put too much weight into the neck.
You can stay here for up to 30 seconds, breathing smoothly. With an exhalation, slowly lower your torso and head to the floor. Draw your thighs up into your belly and squeeze.
We hope you enjoyed our Yoga Chakra Series, please like and share, so others can benefit.
Have a beautiful blessed day and Always Believe in Miracles ✨

Always Believe in Miracles
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