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How to use acrylic mirrored sheets in your home – Growing Family
If you’re interested in modern interior design, you’ll know that preferred materials are always changing and developing. One trend that’s currently popular with interior design specialists and enthusiasts is the use of acrylic.
This versatile and affordable material continues to win fans, and can be used in everything from mirrors using acrylic mirror sheets through to kitchen splashbacks. In collaboration with Plastics Sheets Shop this article looks at the use of acrylic sheets in interiors, and why they’re a great choice.
What actually is acrylic?
You’ve probably heard of acrylic before; it’s often also called plexiglass. Despite being known as plexiglass, however, it’s much more versatile than that and can be used for many different applications – everything from replacement glass in mirrors through to weaving clothes using acrylic fibres. It really is that versatile, and that’s why it should have no problems finding a place in your modern interior design palette.
Why should you think about using acrylic?
The first thing to consider with acrylic is that it’s very strong. It’s also naturally shatter-resistant, which is particularly evident when you compare it with more traditional alternatives such as glass. This makes acrylic a very useful product when it comes to child-proofing a family home.
Take a mirror in a hallway for example. If a child throws a toy and it hits the mirror, knocking it to the floor, it’s very likely that a glass mirror will shatter. This is obviously expensive to replace and quite dangerous, as minute glass fragments can be very difficult to clean up. If that mirror was made of reflective acrylic however, there’s a high probability it wouldn’t even sustain a mark – and it certainly wouldn’t shatter.
Another benefit of acrylic is that it’s very light. This ties into the above, in that it also makes it very safe. A glass mirror will be heavy, so if it falls, there’s a risk of injury. An acrylic mirror would be much lighter, meaning there’d be considerably less risk. The fact that acrylic is so light means it’s much cheaper to ship and easier to handle too, making it a more accessible material for design enthusiasts within all budget ranges.
One more key benefit to consider is that acrylic products are very easy to live with, because they require very little maintenance. This durability means you can invest in products that will last a long time, helping to minimise plastic waste in the home.

How to use acrylic mirrored sheets in your home
Now you know more about acrylic and why it’s so popular, you’re probably wondering what you can use it for. The simple answer is pretty much anything you like!
You could use acrylic mirrored sheets to create a kitchen splashback. They can also be used in your shower to break up conventional tiling and create interesting effects, or as an alternative to a more traditional bathroom mirror.
Acrylic mirrored sheets can be hung on the inside of wardrobe doors to create a useful mirror exactly where you need it. Thanks to its light weight you won’t need much effort to keep it fixed securely to a flat surface; some strong double sided tape should be enough.
Mirrored acrylic sheets can also be used in feature walls throughout the home to bring stylistic flair and to break up solid colours.
Thanks to its lightness, affordability, and variety of shapes and styles, you can easily experiment with acrylic mirror sheets to find the perfect option for your home.
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