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Pedro Pascal Reveals How Much He’s Under the Mandalorian’s Helmet


Pedro Pascal is an extremely sought-after actor right now, as evidenced by his being in two of the biggest shows on TV at the moment, The Mandalorian on Disney+ and The Last of Us on HBO. How does he do it?

Well, with the power of a little something called voiceover. Since Pascal obviously can’t be in two places at once, he has to be very deliberate with his time. When The Mandalorian first started, Pascal was on set much more often than he is now. In fact, in Season 3, there are no moments where Mando appears without his helmet — in other words, no scenes where Pascal actually had to show up on set. That means that his body and stunt doubles (Brendan Wayne and Lateef Crowder) are able to pick up the slack in the meantime. This allows him to play the lead characters in two different shows.

Lucasfilm Ltd.

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During a roundtable interview with The Hollywood ReporterPascal talked about about exactly how The Mandalorian arrived at the point where he is predominantly a voice coming out of other actors’ bodies:

There was an extended amount of experimentation, being in the suit for a lot of it, and frankly, my body wasn’t up for the task as far as, like, the four months of it. But I was in it. I was in it a significant amount, an elastic amount. But now we’ve figured it out, which is super cool, and amazingly, it gave me the opportunity to be able to go and do something else.

Pascal also shared the fact that he really admired Wayne and Crowder’s physical performance in The Mandalorian. He explained that he wouldn’t have changed a single thing about how he approached Din Djarin.

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All the Unanswered Questions After The Mandalorian Season 3

It was an interesting season of The Mandalorian, but it also left us with a lot of questions about the future of Star Wars.


Cody Mcintosh

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