Personal Preference Board Game Helps People Become Re-Acquainted Post-Covid
Press Release
May 15, 2023
Social psychology professor updates his classic game on Kickstarter
CHARLOTTE, N.C., May 15, 2023 (
With people re-emerging from the pandemic-related isolation of the past two years, a new edition of a 35-year old board game may help people reconnect with friends and family. Dr. Don Carlston, an award-winning psychology professor at Purdue University, developed Personal Preference in the 1980s, drawing on research that he and others conducted on how people learn about and view other people. His goal was not only to create a social game that helps people get to know each other better, but also to address issues that he saw with other party games of the 1980s, such as Scruples and Trivial Pursuit. And did he ever succeed: Personal Preference was licensed to three different game companies and sold over 400,000 copies in the United States and Canada.
Dr. Carlston had long wanted to update his game and expand it to cover new topics, and the pandemic provided an ideal time to do so. But this time, rather than licensing Personal Preference to other companies, Dr. Carlston decided to produce it himself so that he could implement some of the innovations he’s been thinking about for years. Among those is a way for players to swap out the categories from which items are drawn, allowing players to tailor play to their own interests by choosing among several new categories along with updates of some old ones. He assembled a team of passionate Personal Preference fans to help with these revisions and conduct a Kickstarter campaign to cover the cost of production for the second edition. That campaign is going on now through the end of May.
“The pandemic kept people apart,” Dr. Carlston notes, “and now I think they want to re-establish their connections with friends and family. Understanding other people’s likes and dislikes is really central to our relationships. So Personal Preference provides a fun way both for seeing how well we really know each other but also for strengthening relationships by getting to know each other better!”
Source: Personal Preference Game