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55 Personal Mission Statement Examples for 2022


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Living without a sense of what we’d like to accomplish within the days, weeks, months, or years ahead has a way of making us feel out of place. Don’t you think? We begin to question if we belong, what’s our true purpose in life, and how can we live on purpose.

Mission statements can help us find answers. They’re similar to life purpose statements but different. Mission statements are a way to express how you’ll align your core values and abilities to improve your life and the life of those you wish to positively impact.

You’ll find 55 personal mission statement examples below that serve as guides when you’re ready to customize a list of your personal endeavors. In the end, it should feature things that will add meaning to your life and support the vision of the things you seek to accomplish. The statements can reflect your goals, desires, or dreams pertaining to your education, career, relationships, and service to society.

It’s okay if you’ve never thought of creating a blueprint for your life. I believe you’ll be fired up to take on life with more vigor and enthusiasm once you go over the benefits. I also provided a link to another one of our articles that shows you how simple and easy it is to craft mission statements.

What Is a Personal Mission Statement?

A personal mission statement is a concise declaration of your plans, aspirations, and purpose in life and how you intend to manifest them. Overall, it should reflect your core values, things that are truly important to you, and why they matter so much. Goals, passions, dreams, expectations, lifelong aspirations, and commitment to community service commonly feature in a well-constructed mission statement.

PS, did you know there are 10 Core Values Quizzes to Identify what’s Important to You?

There’s no reason you shouldn’t have mission statements. Companies and organizations make them to guide their work and vision for the future. If someone were to read your declarative statements, they should have a clear idea of who you are in terms of your core values and what your motivations are.  

Writing personal mission statements isn’t a new idea, although Stephen R. Covey reignited the idea in his 2004 New York Times Bestselling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People. Readers all across the nation began appreciating the importance of having a blueprint of how they wish to navigate through life, both in the personal and professional realms.

The author wrote that the number one habit is to Be Proactive. It is precisely what your mission statements examples will reflect, your intention to take positive action with the goal of achieving a rich and purposeful life.

Most important is to write down your pursuits. You can literally manifest the things you desire by writing them down.

Reasons Why You Should Write Personal Mission Statements

Mission statements add context to your existence whether you’re documenting them for personal or professional reasons. Other benefits of creating a roadmap of your reasons for being are as follows:

  • Allows you to identify and define values and goals that align with your best interest
  • Helps guide long and short-term goals and career path
  • Clarifies your intentions and keeps you focused
  • Helps you envision a clearer pathway to success
  • Serves as motivation to accomplish goals
  • Give you more control over your life
  • Enables you to make better decisions that align with your long-term goals.
  • Keeps you on the pathway to achieving your life goals
  • Encourages decision-making based on your core values 
  • Gives you a reflection of who you are (self-discovery)
  • Promotes work-life balance
  • Gives you an overall sense of purpose and belonging

According to author and career coach Dan Miller, a good mission statement should reflect these three main aspects:

1. Your skills and abilities
2. Your personality traits
3. Your values, passions, and dreams

Other self-development experts and authors may suggest different approaches to writing your plan of action. What matters most is ensuring they cover all the important tenets. Take note of 5 Steps to Write Your Personal Mission Statement (With Examples) to get the hang of how to create yours. You can go over the steps once you’re through reading the personal mission statement examples set out below.

55 Unique Personal Mission Statement Examples to Live Your Purpose and Change Lives

Mission statements are concise, realistic, and engaging, and demonstrate your commitment to follow through. They also answer four primary questionsWhat do I want to do? (the mission), “How will do it?” (action to be taken/talent/skills to be used), “Who am I doing it for?” (the people that will benefit), and “How will that impact lives?” (the desired result for your life or others)

The statements cover a number of key areas, such as academics, career, performance, family life, friendships, community work, personal development, innovations, spirituality, philanthropy, and the environment. Whichever the area of focus, don’t be surprised if you feel a great sense of accomplishment each time you complete what you set out to do. Cross it off and add a new goal or mission to counter.

Mission statements are concise, realistic, and engaging, and demonstrate your commitment to follow through.

Let’s now take a look at some personal mission statement examples to help you get the ball rolling. Feel free to use them as a template you can tweak to suit your vision. I’ve also included mission statements by famous people.

  1. To improve my life by achieving professional and personal success. I will dedicate time and effort to furthering my education, building my career, starting a family, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  2. To obtain a master’s degree and use it to enter into the right occupation, where I can leverage my knowledge to improve my life and the life of others.
  3. To use my time-management skills to improve productivity at work and help my employer increase their bottom line. I will also use productivity apps and alerts to reduce procrastination and increase performance.
  4. To create personal happiness by quitting the habit of dwelling on the past, overthinking things, hastily jumping to conclusions, and being quick to anger. I will work on managing my emotions, letting of the past, and becoming an optimist to achieve the happiness I seek. My loved ones and my relationships will also benefit from my self-improvement.
  5. Good mental health is necessary to live a happy and productive life. I want to use my writing skills to educate online readers on how to manage stress, anxiety, and depression.
  6. Today’s students are the leaders of tomorrow. As a teacher, I desire to apply my teaching and mentoring skills to inspire my students to reach their highest potential.
  7. To use my knowledge and professional skills as a therapist to assist clients in discovering who they are and becoming the best version of themselves.
  8. To be an agent of positive changes at home, the workplace, and the community at large. I will use my knowledge, talent, and abilities to build a loving family, be the best employee I can be, and help people in need in my community.
  9. To use my research skills to locate shelters that can provide food and shelter for the homeless and help them find employment.
  10. To use my passion for entrepreneurship to start a business that focuses on hiring young adult men who are now trying to get a head start in life. Through youth employment, I will be helping to reduce the number of youths out of a job or on the streets because of a lack of education or work experience.
  11. I’m on a mission to have a leaner body. I will eat healthier foods and reduce my daily calorie intake to lose a maximum of 20 pounds. That will make me feel more confident about my appearance.
  12. To use my Search Engine Optimization (SEO) skills to rank higher on Google. This way, I’ll drive more traffic to my website, increase brand awareness, and up sales.
  13. To use my inventing and product design skills to create innovative spinal technology and devices for improving surgical outcomes for patients undergoing back surgery. I will also design brochures featuring tips to help speed up recovery.
  14. To launch a social media platform and use my environmental expertise to spread awareness of global warming and its effects on the climate. Specifically, I will encourage people to plant trees to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make the world safer for all.
  15. To give young men from vulnerable communities an opportunity to vie for a sports college scholarship by using my coaching abilities to teach them basketball. This can also enhance their chances of graduating with a college degree.
  16. To open a shop and leverage my culinary skills to have another source of income and contribute to the national economic growth. I will create an ambiance that caters to parents and children eager to bond over food and conversations.
  17. To find happiness within myself by stopping to reflect on how past actions, such as relying on others to make me happy, leaves me feeling needy and angry. I will read self-help books to increase my knowledge of how to love myself more and know that I’m enough.
  18. To be a better partner and improve the quality and substance of my relationship by improving my listening and speaking skills. My partner will feel more loved and respected, and we’ll have a chance to grow closer.
  19. To better use my parenting skills to raise emotionally balanced and confident children. They’ll be able to function better at school, work, in relationships, and in the larger community. To achieve this, I’ll be more attentive to their needs and constantly reassure them they are loved and valued.
  20. To build a reputation for being a trustworthy and reliable employee by committing to getting to work and finishing daily tasks accurately and on time. My chance of promotion in a shorter space of time will increase. I’ll be able to earn more and have more money to take care of my family.
  21. To live a peaceful life without grudges and resentment toward those who harmed me. I will focus my energy on forgiveness, love, and gratitude to make that desire a reality. Being at peace will help restore and strengthen strained relationships that matter to me.
  22. To use my podcasting skills to launch a YouTube channel designed for those with mental health problems to have a place to vent their feelings and feel like someone truly cares about them. I’ll provide education, tips, and resources to help them manage their symptoms and seek professional therapy.
  23. To use my education, knowledge, and skills as a psychotherapist to offer patients a safe place to share their deepest feelings and thoughts. I will help further by providing valuable feedback as part of my mission to improve the lives of my clients.
  24. To use my social media and communication skills to launch a social media platform, where I’ll post inspirational quotes and memes. Followers will be provided with daily doses of encouraging words to help them get through tough times and feel better about themselves.
  25. To take advantage of my journalist training and skills to work remotely and be able to simultaneously care for my young children. The mission is intended to promote work-life balance and keep my children in a physically and emotionally stable environment.
  26. To show my empathy for children from disadvantaged families by starting a charitable organization that will fund breakfast at target schools. The mission is to enhance attentiveness and learning in children who are usually more eager to learn after having a meal.
  27. To use my love and compassion to help people around me feel better about themselves, especially when they feel sad and downtrodden. I will share personal stories of major challenges I overcame as a way of empowering them to be resilient.
personal mission statement examples for leaders | personal mission statement template | personal mission statement examples for students
 Personal mission statements can add meaning to your life and support the vision of the things you seek to accomplish.
  1. To use my knowledge of violence against women to educate women near and far about the dangers of staying in abusive relationships. I’ll also provide self-empowerment resources and tools for rebuilding their self-esteem and overcoming helplessness. I’ll also connect them to domestic violence agencies and professionals who can guide them on how to leave safely.
  2. To positively influence the lives of young girls by encouraging them to graduate high school, finish college, and get the best jobs. My mission is to promote financial independence so they can take control of their own lives.
  3. To launch a health website like Mayo Clinic and WebMD and use my mental health expertise to provide people with well-researched content on diseases, symptoms, and treatment. I also want to build my integrity as a mental health writer in order to get massive subscriptions to increase financial independence.
  4. To use my passion for animal protection by volunteering my time to walk a dog from a rescue shelter once a week. Participating in the Doggy Day Out Program is my way of showing love to animals and helping to improve their physical and emotional well-being.
  5. To work on becoming a better version of myself by developing habits and behaviors that align with my core values and belief system. I will be able to create healthy and satisfying relationships within my family, at work, and in the wider community. Success in establishing meaningful and mutually supportive relationships will mean less stress and more happy days.
  6. To manage my time well so I can effectively balance work, family, social life, and self-care. With more time for relaxation, I should feel calm and relieved and be able to enjoy an overall better sense of well-being.
  7. To use the meditation and mindfulness techniques I learned to reduce stress and potential health complications associated with long-term stress. I will eagerly pursue this mission as it will have a positive impact on my psychological and emotional well-being. There’s a chance I could avert anxiety and depression by taking these steps.
  8. To become a team leader within my company and use my leadership skills to help my employer make important decisions for product improvement, customer service, and giving back to the community.
  9. To use my interpersonal skills to provide outstanding customer service at work so customers can feel valued. I also intend to leverage my marketing skills to promote my company’s products and services and put them ahead of the competition.
  10. To stay true to my values and not allow others to take advantage of my empathy. I want to do only the things that align with what I stand for. I will educate myself on how to set and enforce boundaries to make it easier for me to choose to put my needs ahead of others.
  11. To start a habit of journaling my thoughts, feelings, and emotions to free my mind and increase focus on things that matter most. Journaling will provide a safe place for me to externalize my feelings and understand why I feel that way. I hope to enhance my emotional well-being using this strategy.
  12. To use my knowledge of SEO to create an e-book and share my knowledge to help aspiring writers become successful SEO and marketing copywriters. More business owners will benefit from their expertise in creating tailored content to help expand their businesses.
  13. To improve on prioritizing tasks and chores to save time I could divert to developing a new skill that can generate more income. I will achieve this mission by spending less time on social media following celebrity news. I will also stop socializing with people and engaging in activities that don’t add value to my life.
  14. To create a morning routine that will build momentum for the rest of my day. My routine will include 30 minutes of exercise, reviewing my daily goals, and journaling about one thing I’m grateful for. I will use the routine to get things done quickly and with time to spare to get to work ahead of schedule. Learn How to Create a Morning Routine and Stick to It.
  15. To write and publish storybooks for children that educate and inspire them to dream big and become the leaders of tomorrow. Helping them find their place in society may translate to a better quality of life and more opportunities for professional success.
  16. To volunteer to help teachers at a local school, so they could have more time to prepare teaching aids for the students. I also want to take on this initiative to give teachers a break from their hectic routines of educating and keeping our children safe every day.
  17. To become a life coach and use my passion for helping people live better lives. I will provide information, tools, and resources to inspire them to seek and achieve personal and professional growth.

Personal Mission Statement Examples by Famous People

  1. “To make people happy.” — Walt Disney (Founder of Disney World)
  2. “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” — Maya Angelou
  3. “To use my gifts of intelligence, charisma, and serial optimism to cultivate the self-worth and net-worth of women around the world.” — Amanda Steinberg (
  4. “I want to serve the people. And I want every girl, every child to be educated.” — Malala Yousafzai (Nobel Prize laureate and activist)
  5. “To be a teacher. And to be known for inspiring my students to be more than they thought they could be.” — Oprah Winfrey
  6. To serve as a leader, live a balanced life, and apply ethical principles to make a significant difference.” — Denise Morrison
  7. “To live life with integrity and empathy, and be a positive force in the lives of others.” — Amy Ziari (“Pasta”)
  8. I want to make it so that every person in the world can afford to start their own business.” — John Rampton (
  9. “To constantly be striving to be the best version of myself — in my job, with my health and fitness, with my relationships with family and friends, and with my emotional well-being.” — Katie Arnold (Talk Less, Say More)
  10. “To develop next-generation diagnostics to provide a better life.” — Sanjeev Saxena (POC Medical)
  11. To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Preparing to Write Your Mission Statements

Mission statements become easier to write once you identify your purpose, values, and goals. Brainstorm and write down the things you value most personally and professionally and what life goals reflect those values. You could even list them in order of priority.

Next is to pinpoint your target audience. Pose questions to yourself, like, “Who are the people I want to target and why?” Is it you? Is it family members? Is it people in the community? What makes them special? You’re able to narrow your focus on who will benefit from your plans.

Move on to exploring your skills, talents, abilities, and superpowers. Ask yourself what you’re good at and what personality traits make you unique. Are you empathetic? Do you have the ability to think of innovative ways to improve technology? Jot down the core skills and abilities you will apply in realizing your missions.

The next step is to state how your audience will benefit. Will your goals or community work provide basic needs for a targeted group? Will you use your medical expertise to help improve the health and lives of others?

If you need a tool to assist in the process, the FranklinCovey Mission Statement Builder is a free online tool for creating personal, family, values-focused, and team statements. Remember your mission statements should not interfere with your needs or goals for happiness and fulfillment.

Visualizing Your Goals, Passion, Dreams, and Intentions

You’re now ready to add details to the goals outlined in your mission draft. Once you’re through writing your statements, it’s ready to go to print. You can print them as one chart or individual statements that can serve as flashcards. Keep them close and visible to remind yourself of your quests. Some people prefer to use vision boards to make it easier for them to visualize and manifest success, good health, and happiness for themselves and others.

Inspiring Quotes for Personal Mission Statements

Some of us need a bit more prodding and inspiration to get us to do even things that are in our best interest. I thought these quotes might help nudge you in the right direction:

  • “The most extraordinary people in the world today don’t have a career. They have a mission.” – Vishen Lakhiani
  • “Without a mission statement, you may get to the top of the ladder and then realize it was leaning against the wrong building.” – Dave Ramsey
  • “To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.” – Abdul Kalam
  • “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” –  Ayn Rand
  • “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” – Alice Walker
  • “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them.” – Chris Grosser
  • “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” –  Stephen Covey

Final Thoughts on Personal Mission Statements

It’s easy to plan for all the things we wish to achieve and the people whose lives we want to impact in our minds. Mission statements provide a tangible way to keep your visions, goals, dreams, and aspirations in sight and make it easier to visualize your success.

Your decision to search for personal mission statement examples might be one of your best life decisions yet. The very essence of compiling them is going to change your life for the better. I can tell you from experience that my life has never been the same after documenting the things I wanted to achieve personally and professionally. I’ve already launched a charity foundation that provides basic necessities to children from vulnerable families.

Prior to having a roadmap, I was all over the place, going through life by sheer guesswork. I hope you leave with greater confidence and eagerness to create a blueprint that’ll help steer your life in the right direction. On that note, I invite you to read 22 Goal Ideas to Set and Achieve for a Better 2022.

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55 Personal Mission Statement Examples for 2022


Sarah Kristenson

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