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Trump Railroads Kaitlan Collins With Lies In CNN’s Shitshow Town Hall


CNN’s decision to host a primetime town hall with Donald Trump already looked like a terrible idea going into Wednesday night, and now it looks like, well, whatever is German for “letting an insurrection-inciting sociopath take a shit in your collective mouth on live TV—and get applause for it.”

Not surprisingly, things started out with Trump lying about the 2020 election, which he claimed—and would continue to claim throughout the evening—was “rigged.”

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Asked by moderator Kaitlan Collins if he had any regrets about the events that transpired on January 6, 2021—i.e. when he incited an insurrection that left multiple people dead—Trump called it a “beautiful day,” referred to the Black police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt as a “thug,” falsely claimed Mike Pence could have overturned the election results (and that the VP’s life was never in danger), and tried to pin everything on Nancy Pelosi.

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Then, he said he would pardon “many” of the people involved in the violent riot.

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Bess Levin

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