Less than a week before he was unceremoniously fired by Fox News, Tucker Carlson took to the airwaves for an extremely uncomfortable conversation with Elon Musk in which he declared that “the urge to have sex and procreate is, after breathing and eating, the most basic urge.” Those were a series of words most people probably hoped to never hear from the conservative pundit again—and yet despite his booting from prime time, we’re still being forced to listen to the guy talk about sex.

In behind-the-scenes footage leaked to Media Matters, Carlson tells Fox Nation host Piers Morgan, who he was about to be interviewed by, “If we’re going to talk about sex, I’d love to hit some of the fine points of technique, but, you know, but it’s your show. It’s totally up to you.” Laughing, Morgan replies, “We can certainly talk about your sexual technique, especially after your tanning testicles last week,” referring to Carlson’s special, the “End of Men,” which included a segment encouraging men to tan their balls. Carlson then responds, “Not mine! We’ll speak in more general terms, but I’ve got something to add.”

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In other footage obtained by Media Matters, Carlson is heard telling someone off-camera, “I’m not, you know what, I’m not qualified on that score. I will say, I thought his girlfriend was kind of yummy.” In a separate clip, he says, “I can never assess my appearance. I wait for my postmenopausal fans to weigh in on that.” The New York Times had previously reported the existence of such videos, noting last week that “Given how polarizing he has been, both inside and outside Fox News, more evidence of embarrassing and inappropriate conduct could emerge.”

While it is unclear how Media Matters obtained the cringe clips in question, eight sources at and close to Rupert Murdoch’s network recently told Rolling Stone that Fox News executives “have in their possession a dossier of alleged dirt on Tucker Carlson should he attack the network in the wake of his departure.”

Curious lack of mentions here re: him trying to steal a second term via insurrection

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And now let’s hear from the “everything Clarence Thomas did was fine” crowd

Bess Levin

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