Family & Parenting
Season 5 Podcast: Child Development Milestones
Our kids are constantly growing and changing – sometimes too quickly! As our children achieve new milestones and grow through different stages, our roles as parents slightly shift to a new focus too. Staying caught up with their development and knowing what to expect and encourage at each stage can be tricky! These episodes provide information about your child’s major milestones at each age group, and we explore how to encourage healthy development!
In the fifth season of the podcast, our cohosts, Lori and Mackenzie, explore research and reality of parenting children at each age and stage of child development. On this page, you’ll find an outline of the season’s content and a brief description of each episode.
BONUS – Changes to the CDC Milestones
Since season 5 was recorded, the CDC updated their milestones, which we reference in this season of podcast content. With the recent changes to the CDC’s milestone checklists, we know that some parents have had questions about what changed, why they changed them, and what it means for their family. Check out our bonus podcast episode to get more in-depth answers and information!
S5: Ep. 1 – Parenting in Stages
Whether you’re a new parent or in the middle of the teenage years, discover insights into their specific stage and what to expect next. Our new season covers the milestones from pre-child planning to early adulthood.
S5: Ep. 2 – Oh, Baby!
To some, babies and infants are the most challenging stages in parenting. Learn to embrace all the growth in this first year with our advice for developing a strong parent-child connection.
S5: Ep. 3 – Toddlers
The toddler years will be a ride! Tap into your child’s curiosity by rediscovering common experiences your child will find magic—like a bus ride.
S5: Ep. 4 – Preschoolers
Embrace your preschooler’s growing confidence by giving them some responsibilities—like putting away toys and pulling on their own socks.
S5: Ep. 5 – School-agers
For school-age kids, learning is more than math and reading. Help make your child well-rounded by finding time for play, sports, and new challenges outside of school.
S5: Ep. 6 – Preteens
As your child grows into a preteen, help ease the transition with an honest, direct approach. Learn how to embrace this ultimate transition period.
S5: Ep. 7 – Teens
Though they make look like adults, teens are still developing in all areas. Be a positive role model and keep the communication flowing as they keep growing up.
S5: Ep. 8 – Emerging Adults
As your child-parent relationship grows up, learn how to co-exist with your young adult.
Remember you can listen to these episodes (and others) on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast app! You can also follow us on Facebook or Twitter @scienceofparent. Or send us an email with a specific parenting question:
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Mackenzie Johnson
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