Attorney Evan Corcoran recused himself from representing former President Donald Trump in the special counsel investigation related to the Mar-a-Lago documents, citing the little-known 28th Amendment.
Corcoran had represented Trump in a number of suites, including two class actions, one against some of the tenants of his Manhattan properties, Donald J. Trump v All the Black Residents of Trump Tower 1, and another against some of the electorate in the last election, Donald J. Trump v All the Sons of Bitches that voted for the Other Guy.
However, the former Fox University-educated Republican Attorney said that he cannot represent his former client anymore, because of the 28th Amendment.
The 28th Amendment, which was drafted by Denzyl Washington, a descendant of George Washington, reads:
Thou mayest recuseth thyself from any legal proceeding when thou knowest that thy client is a complete scumbag.
This Scumbag Clause, as it is known, has been the subject of some litigation. Judge Clarence Thomas, before he became a Supreme Court Justice, held in one case that “scumbag” means left-wing supporter”, but he was overruled by the Supreme Court, with Chief Justice William Rehnquist ruling that “a scumbag is a scumbag, and political affiliation is irrelevant.”
It is generally accepted that Donald Trump is a scumbag, and though some extreme members of the GOP deny it, they are in the minority.