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5 Signs Your Wife Is Unhappy and How to Fix Your Relationship


Ever marital relationship faces its ups and downs and develops well through a series of quarrels, misunderstandings, and issues. However, a successful marriage is one where two people form a unique bond of understanding and tolerance towards the shortcomings of the other and exhibit feelings of mutual acceptance.

Then there are times where one partner is blissfully ignorant where they are completely unaware of the unhappiness and distress of their partner. Men especially are at times oblivious to the feelings and emotions of their wives. They get so busy with their work and other things that they completely overlook their wives at times and fail to pay attention to their needs and problems.

The following list highlights the few signs that hint towards an unhappy wife:

1. Always negative

A dejected and upset wife will project her unhappiness in a very negative manner. She is likely to respond in a negative tone on most topics.

2. No longer making an effort

She will exhibit uncharacteristic nonchalance and carelessness about the marriage and the responsibility that comes with it.

If upon disappointing the partner, she utters nothing more than the mere words “I am sorry” without any explanation and signs of remorse, she is clearly sorrowful but does not care enough to clear any misunderstandings and present her point of view.

Recommended – Save My Marriage Course

3. She never gets personal

Another obvious sign of an unhappy wife is the missing connection between you two. She never wants to discuss hobbies, emotions, dreams, ambitions, fears or even her future together with you.

4. She seems happier without you

This sign drives a lot of men crazy because they can’t seem to figure out just why their wives seem happier with other people and not so much in their company.

If your wife makes plans with friends and colleagues to scheme fun activities with them and seems livelier in their presence, it is a clear sign that she prefers others’ company to yours.

5. She stonewalls you

If your unhappy wife responds to any concerns of yours regarding her recent moodiness and capricious behavior with “I am fine” or “nothing is wrong.” it is an evident sign that, she is so detached that she doesn’t even feel comfortable sharing her troubles with you anymore. This has been proven to be very damaging to relationships.

She stonewalls you

How to Fix your relationship

It may seem like an end to your marriage because all your reconciliation efforts seem useless against the stone-cold demeanor of your unhappy wife but don’t lose hope.

There are ways to save your marriage and help return the joy of your wife and your relationship.

1. Remind your partner (and yourself) that you appreciate them

After years in marriage, it may seem pointless to make a lot of effort and much easier and enticing to settle into a stultifying albeit comfortable routine. However, a long-term routine can prove to be a hazard for a marriage.

You should never stop thanking and appreciating his wife for helping out with chores and taking care of their children lest they felt unappreciated and taken for granted. Getting her spa appointments once in a while, planning shopping sprees with her and trips every now and then could have a very positive effect on your wife and her mood.

2. Be kind

It is not uncommon to have a bad day at work or be too tired and take the frustration out on your wife mistakenly. This could put a strain on one’s relationship with their partner as it creates a sort of tension between the two. Making it seem like the wife is blamed for whatever problems or hurdles the husband is facing at work.

It is important to realize that you and your wife are on the same team and she is and will always be on your side. You must be kind to her because she too has her problem and worries and adding to them will only deteriorate the marriage.

3. Watch your words

It is immensely important to not use generalizing terms with your wife such as “you always” or “you never,” it sets a bad mood and usually causes arguments among partners.

Nobody likes being stereotyped or generalized because it makes them feel less of an individual with a separate identity and behavior. Use appreciative and positive words when conveying any message for better understanding to develop with your wife.

4. Don’t be afraid to apologize

In a marriage, there should be no such thing as ego. If you are ever at fault, be first to accept your mistake and apologize for your behavior. This will show your wife that you are a mature adult aware of his flaws and ready to work on them rather than being in denial about it and fighting with her over them.


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