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5 Ways To Impress Your In-Laws In First Meeting – Morning Lazziness


Psst… Going to meet your in-laws for the first time tomorrow? Have you got butterflies in your stomach yet? All this nervousness and anxiety is justified; after all, you don’t marry a person; you marry their entire family.

You might be worried, “What if I do or say something that will turn my mother-in-law into a monster-in-law?” Okay, I might be exaggerating here, but you can’t deny that if you start your marriage on the wrong foot with your in-laws, it can deeply affect your relationship with your husband later.

So what should you do? Don’t worry. As usual, we are here at your service. Following are the top 5 ways that will work wonders to dazzle your future family in the first meeting.

1. Dress to impress.

The first impression is the last impression. So you must dress accordingly. Street-smart might be your style, but leave it at home. Don’t go for high fashion either.

When meeting your future family, you should opt for a sophisticated yet toned-down and timeless fashion. Make sure your hair is slick, and you smell nice. Looking and feeling confident is the key here. Your in-laws would appreciate your sophistication and dignity more than anything else.

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Also Read: Living With In-Laws Is A ‘No-No’–5 Reasons Why?

2. Be kind to the waiting staff.

Politeness and good manners go a long way. How you treat people who are under you shows your true personality. If you are meeting your in-laws over a meal at a restaurant, make it a point to be kind to the staff and talk to them courteously. But don’t put on a show, be genuine.

3. Be nice to your future fiancé.

The last thing your prospective in-laws want to see is you bickering with their son and undermining him. Even if the guy’s good with you teasing him a little then and now, chances are the in-laws might not laugh with you until you’re all comfortable with each other.

Also Read: 7 Reasons Why You Should Stop Trying To Impress Others

4. Bring a small, thoughtful gift.

Bringing a small token of appreciation, a ‘peace offering,’ for your in-laws is a great way to show you care about them. 

Particularly buy a gift for your future mother-in-law. It doesn’t need to be fancy or expensive, but it should be thoughtful. Bringing an indoor plant will do the trick if your father-in-law enjoys gardening. If your mother-in-law likes to cook, bringing her a recipe book to try new dishes is the best choice. The best way to show you care is by keeping their likes and dislikes in mind and finding a gift accordingly.

5. Don’t be scared to voice your opinion

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Of course, you want to impress your in-laws, but that doesn’t mean you need to keep your values at bay. It’s completely fine to have a difference of opinion as long as you don’t get all fired up trying to convince everyone at the table that your way of thinking is right and they have it all wrong. There is always a chance your in-laws will respect your values and principles. 


Jennifer Rellama

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