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Episode 133: Spring Combos – FineGardening


To gardeners, spring is the signal of something big to come. It kicks off our season. For the next several months we will primp and preen our beds to maximize their beauty and relish in their good looks. But as all our plants start waking up in April and early May, it can be hard to really focus on the “design” elements. Many of us are often just happy to see any signs of life, never mind if those newly emerging plants look good together. That’s why today we’re focusing on plant combinations (of two, three, or perhaps even four) that look incredible in spring when grouped together. There’s a mix of annuals, perennials, and even a few shrubs in this array. But, when massed in close proximity, the effect is just as stunning as your peak season pairings. Many of you listeners asked us to broach planting design in an episode, so here we are, answering your call!

Expert guests: Matt Mattus is a regional reporter for The author of two gardening books, he gardens in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Danielle’s Combos

Early spring combo: ‘Mango Charm’ tulip, ‘Peach Flambe’ heuchera, ‘Peach Melba’ horned violet

Combo 1:

‘Mango Charm’ tulip (Tulipa ‘Mango Charm’, Zones 3-7)

‘Peach Flambe’ heuchera (Heuchera ‘Peach Flambe’, Zones 4-9)

‘Peach Melba’ horned violet (Viola cornuta ‘Peach Melba’, Zones 6-9)

Late spring combo: ‘Nelly Moser’ clematis, fingerleaf rodgersia, lady’s mantle, ‘Halcyon’ hosta
Late spring combo: ‘Nelly Moser’ clematis, fingerleaf rodgersia, lady’s mantle, ‘Halcyon’ hosta

Combo 2:

Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis, Zones 3-8)

Fingerleaf rodgersia (Rodgersia aesculifolia, Zones 5-7)

‘Halcyon’ hosta (Hosta ‘Halcyon’, Zones 5-9)

‘Nelly Moser’ clematis (Clematis ‘Nelly Moser’, Zones 4-9)

Carol’s Combos

Rain garden combo: Foamflower, Interrupted fern, ‘Toffee Tart' heuchera, ‘Palace Purple’ heuchera, Japanese painted fern, ‘October Moon’ Japanese shrub mint
Rain garden combo: Foamflower, Interrupted fern, ‘Toffee Tart’ heuchera, ‘Palace Purple’ heuchera, Japanese painted fern, ‘October Moon’ Japanese shrub mint

Combo 1:

Foamflower (Tiarella cordifolia, Zones 3–8)

Interrupted fern (Osmunda claytoniana, Zones 3–8)

‘Toffee Tart’ heuchera (Heuchera ‘Toffee Tart’, Zones 4–9)

‘Palace Purple’ heuchera (Heuchera ‘Palace Purple’, Zones 4–9)

Japanese painted fern (Athyrium niponicum, Zones 5–8)

‘October Moon’ Japanese shrub mint (Leucosceptrum stellipilum ‘October Moon’, Zones 5–8)

‘May breeze’ woodland phlox, ‘Wanda’ primrose, creeping mazus, ‘Ogon’ grassy-leaved sweet flag, Siberian cranesbill
Designed by Jerry Fritz for Linden Hill Gardens: ‘May breeze’ woodland phlox, ‘Wanda’ primrose, creeping mazus, ‘Ogon’ grassy-leaved sweet flag, Siberian cranesbill  For more spring combos from Linden Hill, check out this article from issue 193: Spring Into Summer

Combo 2

‘May breeze’ woodland phlox (Phlox divaricata ‘May Breeze’, Zones 4–8)

‘Wanda’ primrose (Primula ‘Wanda’, Zones 3–9)

Creeping mazus (Mazus reptans, Zones 5–8)

‘Ogon’ grassy-leaved sweet flag (Acorus gramineus ‘Ogon’, Zones 5–9)

Siberian cranesbill (Geranium wlassovianum, Zones 5–8)

Expert’s Combos

Assorted brown colored annuals in terracotta pots (credit: Matt Mattus)
Assorted brown colored annuals in terracotta pots (credit: Matt Mattus)
Melancholy toadflax or fairy lights (credit: Matt Mattus)
Melancholy toadflax or fairy lights (credit: Matt Mattus)

Melancholy toadflax or fairy lights (Linaria tristis, Zones 4-8)

‘Café au lait’painted tongue (credit: Matt Mattus)
‘Café au lait’painted tongue (credit: Matt Mattus)

Café au lait’painted tongue (Salpiglossis ‘Café au lait’, annual)

Poached egg plant (credit: Matt Mattus)
Poached egg plant (credit: Matt Mattus)

Poached egg plant (Limnanthes douglasii, annual)

‘Penny Black’ baby blue eyes (credit: Matt Mattus)
‘Penny Black’ baby blue eyes (credit: Matt Mattus)

‘Penny Black’ baby blue eyes (Nemophila menziesii  ‘Penny Black’, annual)

‘Jelly Bean Fiesta Marigold’ monkey flower (credit: Matt Mattus)
‘Jelly Bean Fiesta Marigold’ monkey flower (credit: Matt Mattus)

‘Jelly Bean Fiesta Marigold’ monkey flower (Mimulus ‘Jelly Bean Fiesta Marigold’, annual)

Assorted pansies in browns, reds, rusts (credit: Matt Mattus)
Assorted pansies in browns, reds, rusts (credit: Matt Mattus)

Assorted pansies in browns, reds, rusts (Viola × wittrockiana and cvs., Zones 5-9)

Desert bells (credit: Matt Mattus)
Desert bells (credit: Matt Mattus)v

Desert bells (Phacelia campanularia, Zones 5-10)

Belarina® Series primroses (credit: Matt Mattus)
Belarina® Series primroses (credit: Matt Mattus)

Belarina® Series primroses (Primula cv., Zones 4-8)


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