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How to get a great date at a festival — mysinglefriend blog


It’s Glastonbury this weekend, which heralds to real beginning of the UK’s booming festival scene. As well as being a place to let go and have a great time, festivals are also great places for meeting new people. Here’s how to meet someone special in amongst the music and mayhem.

Talk to strangers

You go to a festival to have a great time with your mates, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t chat and hang out with other people too. Whether it’s getting to know the people you’re camping next to or having fun with the gang next to you while you’re waiting for the next act, striking up a conversation with a stranger could end up being more than just a way to pass the time.

Do things you wouldn’t usually do

One of the difficulties with meeting new people is that we tend to hang out with the same social circle and do the same things. At a festival you have the opportunity to do things you wouldn’t normally do with a whole new crowd. Fancy trying ballroom dancing? Or taking part in a drumming workshop? Or pogoing to punk music? There are lots of opportunities for new experiences at festivals, so embrace as many as you can.

Get to know their friends

When you date someone in the conventional way it will be weeks before you get to meet their friends. Finding out who someone enjoys spending time with gives you a really good insight into the type of person they are, and the people you might end up hanging out with a lot if you got together. Make the most of this sneak peak before getting involved.

Let technology give you a helping hand

If you’re at a festival, let the world know by putting it on your dating profile. That special someone will be like a needle in a haystack if you go to a big festival, so letting them know you’re in the same vicinity as them will enable them to drop you a line and suggest meeting up.

Be safe

As with any dating experience, you’ll have a better time if you’ve taken precautions to feel safe. Let your friends know where you’re going and who you’re with, keep your phone on and make sure you meet up with your mates at the arranged time. Taking care of your safety allows you to relax and enjoy yourself.

Looking for a delightful date? Join mysinglefriend now!


Karen Dickinson

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