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Self Help

Be a Woman with a Purpose – She Means Business


A friend asked me the other day why I was obsessed with women working and why a large part of my content seemed to focus on getting women to work. She seemed annoyed. “It’s my choice to focus on home and children.”

I was taken aback because clearly I had not been able to communicate my objective behind some of my content.

It’s not about working women. It’s not about fat salaries. And it’s not about running 100 Cr companies.

It’s about being a woman with a purpose! But the SIZE of that purpose doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter how big or small your goal is or how many lives you touch or how much money you make. You can find your purpose in a job, in a business, in a hobby or simply in pro bono work. But it has to be something that makes you get up every morning and look forward to the day. Something that you work towards, a dream that you want to make come true, a challenge that you want to overcome. And you do it not for anyone else but for yourself. Because you want to push yourself and discover new limits. Because you want to feel pride in what you do.

Because one day your children will grow up and will no longer be your purpose.



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