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England’s Prime Minister Liz Truss Says She Will Take The United Kingdom To The Height of Glory


LONDON – (News Satire) – The BBC is reporting that after conducting an interview with Prime Minister Liz Truss, it looks like Britain is in for some fantabulous times.

Reporter Oceana Figgly with the BBC, said that after having shared a spot of tea with PM Truss at 10 Downing Street, she is very impressed with her professionalism, her radiant beauty, and her knowledge of rugby, badminton, and the history of The Sherwood Forest.

Miss Figgly stated, that unlike her predecessor, Boris Johnson, Truss did not smoke, drink beer, or use vulgar terms while being interviewed.

The first rate reporter commented that PM Truss, again unlike, Johnson, did not grab (her) crotch, even once while being interviewed.

SIDENOTE: The prime minister is 47, but she looks 37.


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