Here;’s the introduction from the first report off the blocks by AP. I’m sure we will be seeing a lot more on the topic in upcoming weeks.

Germany’s government presented scaled-back plans Wednesday to liberalize the country’s rules on cannabis, including by decriminalizing possession of limited amounts and allowing members of nonprofit “cannabis clubs” to buy marijuana for recreational purposes.

In a second step, German officials also envision setting up regional test projects to sell cannabis through “commercial supply chains,” Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said. But the proposal differs from one he presented in October, which foresaw allowing the sale of cannabis to adults across the country at licensed outlets.

The German government revised the plan following talks with the European Union’s executive commission. Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir said EU law “sets us limits we must respect, but that I will also say we are pushing.”

Lauterbach had cautioned all along that the government would only proceed with its original plan if it got the green light from the EU.

Germany has allowed some patients to get cannabis as a prescription medication since 2017.

The proposed new legislation foresees legalizing the possession of up to 25 grams (nearly 1 ounce) of cannabis for recreational purposes and allowing individuals to grow up to three plants.

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Sean Hocking

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