Family & Parenting
Remodelling your kitchen on a limited budget
without having to give a second thought to costs. However, for most families, that’s simply not doable. You have to take into account many things, and when you have children, your spending and saving habits change entirely. You must think not only about the present but increasingly about the future. Saving for your kids’ future education is particularly important, and you must plan ahead to ensure everything works well.
However, these forthcoming expenses shouldn’t have to mean that you must never redecorate your home in any way. Being solely focused on saving and never doing anything fun or new can put a damper on your mood. The good news is that you don’t have to be so spartan about it. In fact, all you need to do is employ a little extra creativity and find ways to mix both.
Renovating your household, however, is one of the endeavours for which you’ll have to pay a substantial amount of money. The kitchen can be particularly challenging because there’s a lot going on behind the cupboards and appliances, like plumbing and wiring. But don’t worry. There’s a way to remodel it without breaking the bank or ending up in debt.
Before you start remodelling everything from scratch, it’s essential to carry out a thorough assessment of everything you have. If all the furnishing and devices you own have been damaged and are in dire need of replacing, there’s not much you can do. However, it might be the case that your whole kitchen doesn’t need to be tossed in the bin, and some things still have life left in them. This way, you don’t unnecessarily replace items that are not worn out and in good working order and stay within your predetermined budget.
One of the areas where you’re most likely to spend significant sums of money is the kitchen cabinets. These cupboards are effective for the overall look of your kitchen, with some even considering them the fundamental piece. If you have guests over, the cabinets are probably the first thing they’ll see, so it’s natural that you’d want them to look presentable.
If your cupboards require a change, you can only replace the entries, not the whole unit. Getting an entirely new appliance is far costlier than getting new doors. In fact, it is one of the best ways to give your kitchen a new and fresh look while staying within your budget. High gloss kitchen doors are one of the best options, particularly for a family with children. They’re stain-resistant and easy to clean by wiping them with a damp cloth, so not even the little ones can harm them.
Second-hand items
There are many advantages to buying second-hand, and the most prominent one is that you get the same (if not better) items for a significantly smaller price tag. The only important thing is to look for pieces that have maintained their quality despite their age. Buying something damaged, even though the issues might appear slight, can mean you’ll have to replace it sooner than expected.
Buying used furnishings, rugs or kitchen items is particularly great if you’re a lover of all things vintage. Depending on their age, many items come with the additional benefit of retro-era craftsmanship. The materials used can be more durable, and the designs may be more elaborate. You might even find some genuinely unique items that’ll make your kitchen stand out.
Buying pre-owned items is also more eco-friendly, so by making this choice, you also help the planet and reduce pollution, even if only by a small fraction. However, all action taken towards helping reduce the effects of climate change and protect the environment is more than welcome. In the past, people used to hold on to their objects for much longer than nowadays. Things would get reused all the time, and throwing something away was done after much careful deliberation. This means that objects were also much more forgiving when it came to betterment work so that you can repair, redesign and repaint them however you’d like, and they’ll still look great.
Affordable flooring
When you’re working on a rather limited budget, all choices you make must be well informed. You don’t want to splurge in one area and be left with little else to handle all the other parts of the process. One of the places where you’re likely to spend the most is the kitchen floor. It makes sense why since it is a large area and the materials are usually expensive. Since the kitchen is also one of the rooms that see the most extensive amount of wear and tear, you want to opt for something that’s practical and can handle heavy foot traffic but also be resistant to spills, stains and falling pots and pans. There are few things as bothersome as dents in the floors.
However, since you have a family, you’ll also want to choose something that provides good insulation and can help regulate temperatures during summer and wintertime. Moreover, you want to be careful that your choice of flooring isn’t extra slippery, as trips and falls on a floor can be particularly hazardous given the lack of cushioning. Some of the best options include:
- Cork: An easy-to-install material, cork is resistant to dents, as the material tends to spring back in place if left alone. It also absorbs sound, and you can install it on your own without additional help. Its only disadvantage, however, is that it is pretty vulnerable to direct sunlight, so if your kitchen is particularly sunny, you should steer clear of this option.
- Laminate: One of the best things about laminate is that it looks expensive since it mimics hardwood but is actually much more affordable. Same as with cork, you can install it on your own. Depending on whether there’s a finish or not, laminate can also be waterproof.
- Vinyl: Since it can imitate any other material, from tiles and stone to wood, vinyl is also a great option. It is fully waterproof. However, it is more susceptible to scratches and other types of damage.
When searching for the best ways to redesign your kitchen on a budget, you might have a little more looking around to do. However, if you’re patient, you’ll discover some real gems that’ll genuinely change the look of your entire household.
Penniless Parenting
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