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City Council to review marijuana-facility code updates on April 4 – Medical Marijuana Program Connection


Maricopa City Council will consider a series of updates to city code on cannabis-facility regulations, including minimum distances from such things as schools, during its April 4 meeting.

The Planning and Zoning Commission forwarded the updates to the council during its March 28 meeting.

The zoning-code updates would include definitions on types of marijuana facilities permitted within the city, add the requirement that their security plans be submitted to the Police Department and that they provide for odor control. Updated wording also clarifies minimum distances pot facilities may be from residences, schools and other areas.

Those distances may prove to be a hot topic. The city issued a news release on Thursday suggesting the minimum distance from schools, in particular, will be discussed. Initially, the ordinance update called for keeping a 500-foot minimum.

“After receiving feedback from residents and further review by city staff, staff will recommend City Council consider a change to increase this minimum requirement to a distance of 1,500 feet,” Quinn Konold, communications and cultural services director, said in the release.

No comments were made during the public hearing portion of the P&Z meeting regarding the distance from schools. City Planning and Zoning Manager Rick Williams noted during the meeting he had not heard any comments from residents about it since public outreach began March 8.

“As of this evening, in putting together this…

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